Soooo I lost my phone between the time I was getting my things together to leave the clinic on Monday and the time I got in my car to drive home. I should note it’s about 10 meters from the clinic door to my car and I have no idea what happened or where my phone went. I’m baffled and for a good 24 hours searched every inch of everywhere and came up with nothing. I had a few freak outs to momma coale and then realized this is just a phone and not my life…although sometimes I think it is. So I have a new iPhone coming hopefully today or tomorrow…all that to say I haven’t taken any pictures the past couple days…
So instead of the usual WIAW, here’s some of my favorite eats lately! Hopefully they’ll make you’re mouth water and encourage you to fuel that body well!
There are a lot of healthy living blogs out there and I think a fair amount of these self-proclaimed healthy living blogs could actually be categorized as diet blogs. I don’t say that to point fingers or label or anything like that, but I say that because I think it’s very easy to convince ourselves that we are “living healthily” when really we are living restrictively…and actually dieting.
And there is no food freedom in that.
So where does the line get drawn? When does eating clean and grain-free and vegan and gluten free and no carbs past 7 and paleo go from healthy living to diet?
When there is anxiety with eating outside “your rules.”
When there is a need to control every food situation. And if you’re not in control, then your anxious.
That’s not healthy living. That’s food prison.
Now, I’m all for nutrient dense foods that fuel your body and make you feel good. And I’m all for eating a helluva lot of plants. I encourage a mostly plant based lifestyle and crush on kale and green smoothies and chia seeds. That’s all good and okay and fabulous, but what isn’t healthy and okay is when we start to find our identity and worth in eating healthy. What isn’t healthy and okay is adhering to food rules so religiously that any deviation means you were disobedient and you must compensate.
Compensate by exercising more the next day.
Compensate by eating super clean for the next week.
Compensate by skipping meals.
Or if you curb your hunger with coffee or tea or diet soda, that’s a form of restriction.
Only eating at certain, pre-planned times or having a regimented eating schedule…that’s restriction.
Only eating low carb foods and fruit at certain times and no grains or whatever…that’s restriction.
And only eating vegan or gluten free to lose weight or perfect something….that’s restriction.
I have been reading out ɑ few ߋf youг artticles annd іt’s
clever stuff. Ӏ wiⅼl mɑke sᥙre to bookmark уⲟur website.