School is back in session.
And I’m actually pretty excited about it. I feel like I’ve been in school forevvaaaaa since I kind of have, but I love the fresh start of a new semester. What I’m most excited about though is really getting into the Nurse Practitioner role with classes and clinicals. This is why I decided to go back to school. I love the RN role and being a nurse, but I ultimately want to be a Nurse Practitioner.
So along with a new semester starting today, and summer winding down this month I’m hitting the reset button on a new routine that involves more sleep and lots more vegetables. I write a lot about grace and letting go of food rules and eating cake while also eating kale and I’m super passionate about helping women find food freedom. And because of that, I don’t write much about cleaning up your diet and “healthy eating” and all that blab. Often, our culture is diet and health obsessed and I’m so over that. But I do think it’s ok to refocus on how you feel physically and take care of ourselves in a way that allows us to feel better– and we can do that with a refreshing and healthy mindset where it’s not about the food or our bodies, but it’s about how we feel and taking care of the body we’ve been given.
WIAW breakfast // oatmeal pancakes with banana + cashew butter + a scrambled egg
There was a lot of travel, a lot of good food, and a lot of wine this summer. It was a really good and sweet summer. A summer filled with lots of foods that nourished my soul. Sure, there was a good amount of vegetables and movement, but there was more boozy nights and dinners out and late bedtimes than usual. And I definitely lacked any sort of routine. But that’s the beauty of summer.
With fall, I always look forward to settling back into a rhythm and creating some more structure. So if you’re like me and are craving more vegetables, more water, earlier bedtimes, and a little less chaos – let’s talk about it. But not from a physical perspective, but from a heart + soul perspective. This fall I want to refresh my soul and get my body feeling it’s best with more home cooked meals, more sleep, and less wine + coffee. And that’s okay to want that. We just have to want it for the right reasons.
So what does that look like? How does that translate into small, little changes that aren’t overwhelming and instead life giving?
post yoga green drink // 1 scoop Amazing Grass + 1 cup almond milk + 1 cup frozen organic spinach
For one, I’m aiming to drink a green smoothie or some sort of green drink everyday. Every dang day. Sometimes that’s a bigger post-run smoothie with Vega One and frozen fruit and almond butter and sometimes that’s a smaller snack-size smoothie with just almond milk, Amazing Grass, and frozen organic spinach. Either way, I’m guzzling some green at least once a day.
I want to eat out less. This summer was crazy and so it felt healthy for me to eat out more. It was less stressful than cooking and it was a way to connect and build community with old and new friends. But now that school has started and I’m going to have to say no to more social things, I’ll be eating at home more and we’ll have people over for dinner more instead of going out. So that means on Sundays, I’m planning on setting aside a quick hour to cook for the week. It won’t be extravagant, but it will be enough to keep things simple and easy. That means one dinner recipe and prepping some veggies for lunches and making a batch of muffins or energy balls for snacks during the week.
lunch // kale salad massaged with tahini + apple cider vinegar + sea salt and topped with cherry tomatoes, red pepper and 1/2 avocado plus two slices of this super seed bread I made [SO good!] + cucumber and hummus and a kiwi
I want to set a bed time. This summer I rarely was in bed before midnight or 1am. But I need to leave my apartment by 8am most days and I would love to get in my runs in the morning so that means an earlier bedtime. I can easily stay out with friends or Nick till 11 on a weeknight and then come home and chat with Brittany and Anne [my roommates] for an hour when I’m already tired. I know I’m not alone in this and there are some other of you out there that have all the best intentions of a bedtime but for some reason or another, it just doesn’t happen. But I think being disciplined in that is important and sleep is a HUGE part of health. So Sunday through Thursday nights I want to have my phone and computer off for the night and be reading by 10:30pm so I’m hopefully asleep my 11pm. Weekends are free game, but Sunday through Thursday, girlfriend has a bedtime.
afternoon snacks // Chloe’s crunchy salty sundae + vegan chocolate spelt bread split with Nick
Yoga is going to be a weekly thing. I don’t know about you guys, but I love the idea of a weekly yoga practice- but the thing is, I never do it. I come up with a million excuses and other things I “should” be doing and just don’t do it. But I know how freaking good it makes me feel not just physically, but more importantly it gets my head and my heart in the right place. It forces me to get quiet and be present and be okay being still. So I know it’s good for me from all angles, I just need to make it a practice. Ideally, I want it to happen twice a week. But right now, I’ll be happy with once a week. There’s a Yoga to the People studio like a 1/2 mile from my apartment in the East Village and it’s donation based so it won’t cost me my right arm. So yoga…I want to make it a practice.
dinner // super simple sautéed mushrooms, zucchini, tomatoes and kale with two fried eggs and lots of hot sauce + avocado toast made with Ezekiel
So four simple things that I know seem basic, but bring such a sense of calmness and make life just a little less messy. Life is going to be messy because it’s, well…life. But it’s not about perfection, but instead getting back to basics. And it’s not about always doing what we should do, but rather doing what feels good. There’s always room for dessert and wine and late nights and ice cream for a snack. And those are all good things that are good for the soul. But I think it’s okay to reset things a bit, to calm the chaos and settle into a feel-good rhthym.
So if you’re feeling the same, join me. And if you’re feeling good already, girl share your tips for self care in the comments!
I’m with you on never being able to set super strict rules but I think your guidelines are excellent. Early bedtime is such a big one for me- if I don’t get enough sleep I know it leads to less than stellar choices throughout my day. Good luck with the start of the semester- would love a glimpse into NP school life!
yes I so need to get enough sleep! that was learned the hard way, but now nothing will be prioritized before sleep!
These are things that I am definitely focusing on as we move into Fall. I love this season transition as Fall is definitely one of my favorite seasons. There is definitely a sense of calmness, refocus, and a time to nourish…I’m excited and YES to more yoga…I’ve been seriously slacking on that!
I’m so excited for fall!! Enjoy settling into the new season 🙂
I am looking toward “feel good” since I increased my meat/low lactose dairy consumption because FODMAPS were suspected sources of gastrointestinal problems for me. My energy levels have suffered and I am craving my plant-based meals! Even if I eat nuts/seeds at practically every meal and snack. 🙂
After living a little more spontaneously this summer, I definitely find myself craving structure. The green juice/smoothie is a great idea, I may add it to my morning routine to be sure I get enough good stuff in.
The biggest challenge for me while working and in grad school is sleeping enough! It’s so hard to hit that 7-8 hour mark!
Bedtime is a key for me… Now that we started our fall routine & need to be out the door by 7:45 I make myself go to bed by 10! I feel like such a granny 😉 but let’s be real… me without sleep= cranky mama! I’m loving all the posts lately!!!
Ha, girl do not have shame in being a granny with an early bedtime. The earlier the better in my book!
Love this! My goal is to fall asleep without the tv on! Robyn-How do you use frozen spinach in your green smoothies? It always makes mine really icy and I don’t like it! Thanks!
I get the chopped frozen spinach in the bag at Whole Foods or TJs – then I use a Vitamix so that blends it up really well!
I just love you, your blog, your food. I’m so glad your posting again:) <3
thank you so much for your kind words and support 🙂
Thank you for this post! I need to be more conscious of fulling my body adequately now that school has started up. With the added stress I tend to let my business get in the way of my health. Your eats look so so yummy! I also have the goal of being a nurse practitioner ( right now I am still in the pre-nursing phase of my degree ) and I am looking forward to following along with your blog as you move forward on your career path!
Love this post. I too hesitate when trying to broach topics like this one because I would never want it to be mistaken for some strict detox when the whole point of my blog is to promote balance and not stressing about food. But as always, you wrote so beautifully and clearly. Also, love that you often discuss sleep and its part in overall health. I think it’s something that SO many of us let fall to the wayside and see as secondary to nutrition and exercise.
yes that is the first thing to go – sleep, because we dont’ see the “direct” effects on our health like exercise or nutrition but it’s the MOST important in my book!
I couldn’t agree more with wanting to include more of a yoga practice in my weekly routine. It’s such a calming exercise and always makes me feel better during my runs throughout the week. Your eats look delicious! Have a fabulous day girl! 🙂
Yes to yoga! I love yoga to the people, so much so that I’m about to start teacher training with them out here in San Francisco. That has definitely been a huge factor in keeping me grounded and breathing deeply through what life throws my way!
are you in San Fran?! so excited for you!
yeah! I moved here in January and I’m loving it!
I was able to have that same sundae from Chloe’s right before I moved out of New York City!
And I’m all about reading before bed right now. I used to be the worst at it and would stay up on my laptop for too long. Now that we moved to China our internet doesn’t reach to our bedroom so it’s forcing me to read and I LOVE it! I wish I had been more disciplined in doing that earlier. I love checking tons more books off my list and falling asleep easier. It’s just the way to go!
Enjoy your new routine…and school!
I totally use to be a “bring the laptop to bed” girl too and it made my bed feel like a workspace instead of sleep space- so glad you have found the peace that comes with reading too!
Hope China is amazing! 🙂
Yum! What is your oatmeal pancake recipe?
I use this one most often!
love your post, as always. September feels like a fresh start to me. More so than January ever has. Start of new school year, change in weather, etc. I was craving more routine. Need to get back to meal planning better and prepping ahead for all those busy nights of activities with my kids. Good luck with the NP program. So exciting for you!
This is such a great post. I love the enjoyment of indulging, but I’m ALWAYS ready to clean things up a bit afterwards. This reminds me of anytime I’ve gone on vacation and I always look forward to getting back and resuming a normal routine again. It’s great to get away and take a break, but it definitely makes us appreciate the calm, pace of everyday life!
I feel so out of the loop! When did you update your website design. I LOVE it!
Looks amazing, soft, healthy and just wonderful!
in the Spring! I love it too 🙂