Good morning! I’m home this weekend in Indiana, and while it was unexpected, it came at the perfect time. I finished up finals last week on Wednesday and had this week off in between semesters so I was able to fly home last minute to be with my family. And even though I’ve been on a plane or train fourteen times in the past 11 weeks, whenever I come home it is so restful.
After finals finished and before I flew home I moved into a new apartment which is so exciting! I was living with two girls that are sisters to me and it was such an amazing apartment and sweet year. It’s hard to put into words how much that apartment and this year has meant, but I also know it was time for a quieter space. I’m super extroverted and our apartment was a social haven – we always had somebody on our couch, hosted dinners and parties often and people felt at home, which is what we always wanted. But in the midst of crazy New York City and a crazy long season of life with school and working two jobs, my soul was starting to feel restless. I needed quieter, slower space before the next season of life begins. So I moved in by myself into a cute little walk up apartment right off Park Ave where I can see the Empire State Building from my window. It feels weird right now with things being quiet and being by myself, but I know it’s good and I’m super grateful.
Two semesters are left of school until we graduate and become Family Nurse Practitioners and that feels UNREAL. Like, what?? But so exciting! I’m so ready to be done. If I’m honest with myself I’m so burnt out on studying and taking exams. Thankfully, the thick of coursework is done and my summer will be spent in a lot of clinical. I’m at a hospital in Brooklyn with a hard patient demographic, so while it will be challenging, I know I’ll be out of my comfort zone and learning a ton. Essentially, it will feel like I’m “working full time” since I’ll be in clinical 30-40 hours a week. But we are only taking 2 credits of actual classes which sounds AMAZING.
I’ve now lived in NYC for two years. That is nuts. Time flies so fast. It’s been two of the hardest, yet best years of my life. After year one, NYC felt more and more like home, and after year two, NYC feels really comfortable in terms of familiarity — not in terms of ease, ha. It’s work to simply get groceries, but I feel like I know the city pretty well, how to navigate it and where to find rest and the hidden spots to grab dinner. I describe the city as a bad boyfriend, you actually hate it a lot of the time, but something always draws you back in. So while I can grow tired and frustrated with the city at times, it’s the people that I couldn’t live without. I love the people here so much.
With the blog + Nutshell, what do you guys want to hear more about? What do you want me to write about? How can I serve you guys better? Posts are a little less frequent, but I still love writing and always plan to write here. So tell me what you want to hear!
I’m currently eating eggs + toast and about to go on a walk with my momma and our dog and then spend the weekend with my fam. I fly back Sunday afternoon and then Nick and I fly to Atlanta on Thursday night for our last spring wedding before this wild season of travel comes to a close. But I’m so excited to see one of my favorite people, Whitney, get married to the best guy and to spend time with Cody for the first time in person!!
And with that..
Eat something awesome this weekend.
Enjoy some sunshine.
Sleep in late.
Squeeze the ones you love.
And laugh with your mouth full.
Happy weekend!
Have so much fun Robyn!! 🙂 Your blog always makes me smile. Congratulations on almost being done too!
Great post! Enjoy school and soak up every bit of information you can. Take advantage of your professors who are there to answer any and all questions!
I would love another post about balancing hormones and regaining your period if you have anything to else about that 🙂
I miss your WIAW posts! Even if it was literally just the food you ate in a day. They are so refreshing and you always have good ideas for food! Also, I’d love to know more about Nick because I had no clue you were dating someone for the longest time!
Totally relating to your life right now. Two semesters left in my nutrition masters, weddings galore, moving, and planning my own wedding. Even though it can get crazy I am trying to find the best and have fun in each day. Love your outlook on everything!
I second this request–would love more information on balancing hormones and how to get your period back. And suggestions for how to exactly “back off” exercise in order to do so, as I am struggling with that.
Love your blog!
Would love to post more, but details conflict with Nutshell…but webinars and other things are in the works to reach more people!! Thank you for reading Brittany!!
Love your blog! I would love to hear more about how to get a healthy relationship with food after recovering from anorexia and how to regulate your intake when you start exercising after recovering from anorexia. And the WIAW are super fun. It is also lovely to hear about your daily life and the video blogs are soooo filled with knowledge.
You are amazing and your blog really matters and is life changing.
Would love to post for life updates sure! And will post as much as I can about these topics without interfering with Nutshell 🙂 Thank You for reading Alice!!
Great post!!! 🙂 Was excited to read what you’ve been up to! I would love to hear more about You & Nick! You guys seem to be a great couple…also plans after you graduate?!
Would love to share plans after I graduate as they unfold and also throw in bits and pieces about Nick! Especially as seasons change 🙂
I love any post that challenges diet culture/thinness! Your blog is one of the main blogs that gave me a new perspective after years of disordered eating. Women need to read more of it!!
So glad to hear you’ve found refreshment in the blog! Will continue to post on this 🙂
Hi! I would love to hear more about nutrition/daily eats during training for races! I also enjoy your recommendations for great blogs, recipes, insta, exc.
Glad you’re home and resting!
sure thing!! I’m training for the NYC marathon starting next month so will post on that 🙂
I love all of your posts Robyn….daily life, women and all the reasons why we need to fuel our bodies as opposed to depriving them….the physiological damage/changes that happen when we restrict/overexercise….WIAW…all of it! Your voice is so refreshing and healing in this culture of obsession/diet/fitness…
Have a WONDERFUL weekend with your family and enjoy the slight break from the studying etc – you have been at it a long time and I can imagine you are growing weary of always having HW, tests etc. Sounds like perfect timing to shift to your own place where you can find rest and peace…and still be social when and where and how ever much you choose 🙂
Thank you so much for your encouraging words Suzanne!! Thank you for reading 🙂
I hope you have a wonderful weekend 🙂 xo
I would love to hear more about stresshormones, how iy affects our weight. And also, some words on how to cope if the pounds are just staying om (about more than just one pantsize up), how to cope with things like the frustration of clothes are too small, other people taking like “I just ate better and sported a bit and lost weight”, friends who eat worse/sport way less- basically coping with being the only with extra weight and just not be able getting back to the old self (not even pregnant by the way). Love your blog!
Have added this to my list! Thanks for reading Liz 🙂
Good luck with your upcoming clinicals! I am also a dietitian and love following along as you’re changing paths a bit. My friend lived in NYC for a few years and described it basically as you have.
Ha, glad your friend and I have similar views 🙂 Hope you are well!!
Hii! I would love to see more WIAW and day in the life posts. I would also love to see a few pics of your new apartment because that sounds exciting! Also I would love if you revisited hormone balance!
Hey Robyn! I love all posts about your personal/daily life, and about spirituality and your church community. I would love some posts about life in NYC–for example, how did you go about finding your new place (and can we see pics 🙂 )? How did you make friends?
I understand you can’t post much right now, but I love your blog and look forward to every new post! Hope you enjoyed your weekend at home and made it back safely to the city!
Would love to post about this!! Thank you for reading Maggie 🙂 xoxo
I would love to hear more about how to lose weight (nothing major – 10/15 pounds) healthily and safely!
I can speak to this in general and as much as I can without conflicting with Nutshell 🙂