I’m naturally nosey. I think that’s why I love walking alongside and getting to know my Nutshell clients and why I absolutely love nursing. You get to experience and share in other people’s lives. So not surprisingly, other day-in-the-life posts I read…I love them too. So I thought it would be fun to do these once in a while.
Between being a full time student, running Nutshell Nutrition and working part time as a nurse, not one day looks like the other. This particular day was a Monday when I’m in class in the morning and then the afternoon is always unpredictable based on the week. Maybe next time I’ll do a clinical day too – only of course, if you guys like these kind of posts 🙂
Last month I had class starting at 8am, but now class starts at 9am on Mondays. I was working a late 12 hour shift (11am-11pm) on Sunday so I didn’t get home till midnight which means I slept till 7:20 Monday morning. Got up, went straight to coffee, threw on workout clothes (because that’s the only thing I wear to class) made my hair somewhat presentable, packed lunch, grabbed breakfast and was out the door by 8:05. I live downtown on the east side and school is WAY uptown on the west side so it takes about 45 minutes to get up there. I had to print a big assignment that was due at the beginning of class so gave myself just enough time to print and pee before class.
Breakfast was chocolate overnight oats eaten on the train up to Columbia. And it was GOOD. I’ll be making this again // 1/2 cup oats + 1 tbsp chia + 3/4 cup almond milk + 1 tbsp raw cacao + pinch of sea salt. In the morning I sliced in some strawbs and grabbed some AB to go.
Class is now from 9-11am (it was 8-1pm in June) and we learned all about billing and & coding, a very important yet dry subject that our professor actually made very interesting! Afterward I met with the other RN I work with to figure out the scheduling for August since we cover for each other and then dropped off my clinical time sheet to my program director and trained it back downtown.
I actually forgot class was shorter this month so I didn’t plan on running. But when I had a couple extra hours and it was perfectly sunny, I grabbed a handful of granola (I was a little hungry) and threw on my running shoes for 5 easy miles along the east river. I stopped to do a quick six minute pushup/plank circuit on the bench on the way back because that sounded good.
Got home, whipped up a smoothie quickly because I was starving and then showered. This was the usual 1/2 scoop vanilla Vega, 1 cup almond milk, frozen spinach, frozen mango, a little maca and ice. Plus I swallowed a few chlorella pills for some extra greens. And right after I showered I dug into my packed lunch (because I thought I would be in class later, I packed) – it was so nice to have lunch already made even though I ate it at home!
lunch // mexican salad of sorts made by simply throwing some baby spinach, bell pepper, tomatoes, red onion, and black beans in a tupperware and adding TJs guac and tomatillo salsa. Plus a mango and leftover sweet potatoes that look sad and shriveled and nasty, but I assure you were tasty.
I answered a few emails and then got ready to head into my nursing job around 2pm. My weekday routine is down to the bare minimum even when I’m trying to look presentable. Hair goes from wet into a side braid and my makeup routine is mascara and a swipe of blush. For one, when you bike and walk around the city in the summer you get sweaty anyway and two, I just don’t have time or patience. And three, if I didn’t have other things to do after work I would have had a wet bun and my glasses on because that’s how you accessorize scrubs.
I was still a little hungry when I was leaving so I grabbed a couple slices of chocolate chip banana bread with PB to take with me and then biked up to work – it’s only like a mile and half from home so sweatiness was minimized.
Work was actually pretty seamless, I mainly do IV infusions for a private practice and just had a few patients this afternoon. Afterward, I changed from scrubs to presentable clothing and then noshed one of these new KIND bars between work and the 15 minutes walk over to Avail where I volunteer on Monday evenings from 6-8pm. I’m a client advocate which basically means I counsel women through unplanned pregnancies. I absolutely love it. Makes my heart explode. I usually have two, 1 hour clients and then write my notes and leave by 8pm. It can be emotionally loaded, but it’s always the highlight of my week.
I wrapped up there and walked about 20 minutes down to 26th and Broadway while talking to my Momma to meet Nick for dinner near his apartment at a new-to-us place called The Little Beet. It’s like Whole Foods hot bar, restaurant style. I was totally into it – super fresh and so cute and clean inside!
I was craving PROTEIN so went with chicken instead of tofu and ordered the kale/fennel/carrot veggie mix and a soba noodle salad with cabbage as my two sides. Plus a seltzer. Hit the spot.
Nick walked me the 15 minutes back home and we ate ice cream before he headed home and I crashed into bed by 10:15 because I had a 6am wake up call. The days are busy, but that means I’m passed out in like 3 minutes.
Have an absolutelyawesomefabuloussplendid day!
Goodness gracious you’re such a busy lady!! Love seeing all those yummy eats though, especially Trader Joe’s ice cream. 🙂 I hope you have a wonderful dayyyy! <3
You & Nick are the CUTEST! <3
Oh man I love that you volunteer at Avail. I want to do volunteer work of the same nature. So amazing that you make time for that!
Robyn!!!! You are truly such an inspiration. I’ve been quietly following you for years, but just had to let you know that I so admire your work ethic and dedication to your passion. I’m amazed you have the energy for all of this. I did realize though, you eat to fuel your busy day. As someone who has long suffered with eating disorders, I have a hard time knowing how to eat to feed both my body and my mind so I have energy to do all the things I want to do. Thank you for continually demonstrating how it’s done. And you and Nick are SO cute!
I guess I’m nosy too because I LOVE when you do these posts! I always look forward to your posts in general, but I really enjoy seeing what people’s day-to-day lives look like. Avail sounds like an amazing organization- I can see how that would be the highlight of your week. Your day looks BUSY but in a really good way! Thanks for taking the time to share your life and eats with us!
Love these posts, Robyn! I’m so impressed by how well you pack your schedule- seriously impressive! Jealous of your NYC living, as always. 🙂
I love these posts. Keep them coming!! And a big YES to a clinical day. So class is really class-room like, with a teacher etc and a clinical day is working-learning at the same time, I guess? Do you have a sort of mentor on clinical days to teach while working (sort of an internship)? The assignments you mentioned, are these for the class or do you talk that through on your clinical days?
Your hair is amazing by the way. And cycling in NY- great.
Take care Robyn!
I love these types of posts! I really admire you, god you pack so much into a day. I’ve been recovering from anorexia for what feels like ages (weight-restored for 4 years but there is still so much work to be done after that) so I really appreciate seeing how other “normal” people eat. I still find it helpful since my sense of normalcy can be skewed at times. Thanks for your posts, hope you’re well!
You and Nick are so adorable!!
Love all your eats- that ice cream looks amazing!
I LOVE The Little Beet!!! I went when I visited NYC in November, and fell in love with their butternut squash soup and banana bread. My summer routine is definitely a lot simpler too. A face full of makeup just doesn’t bode well with the hot sun at all.
Yes, please do more posts like this! I would love a post about your clinical days or nursing school in general. I start Nursing I in the Fall and am terrified!