Good morning! I’ve wanted to get back into regular blogging since school wrapped up last week, but with fighting almost a week of crappy sleep that’s been really hard. I’m trying to not be discouraged and remain hopeful that this will get better! My hormones feel like they’ve been at a rave with house music for like 7 days…
BUT, my friend Whitney struggled with poor sleep for a while and recommended the app, Head Space, and I’m loving it even after one day! They have sleep specific meditations that have helped to keep me calm, but they also have so many different subscriptions – ones for eating, depression, anxiety, etc, etc. If you need more mindfulness in your life (don’t we all?!) I highly recommend. Certainly worth the money I think!
With crappy sleep, I’ve been trying to be gentle with myself and not run or workout intensely even though the weather here is freaking gorgeous. If I’m really tired, I’ve been going on a 20-30 minute walk in the park to get fresh air and just breathe. If I have a bit more energy, I’ve been doing Barre3 online workouts (which I use to do during my first year of nursing school!) and love them. I’m hoping to get back into running once sleep improves.
I’ve been thinking a lot though about how my reaction to this insomnia is way different than it would have been two years ago. When I first started nursing school I use to have these intermittent nights of sleeplessness and would get so worked up and upset – like calling my mom crying – but my response now is more calm, less dramatic. And that goes with anything in life, how are we responding? So even in the midst of unideal circumstances, how am I choosing to react? I know this will get better and even though it sucks, it’s not the end of the world. There is learning to be done here. Lots of prayer, the Head Space app, deep breathing, reading and talking with close friends and sharing with you guys has made me feel less alone.
Some good news is my momma and aunt are coming to the city for five whole days on Thursday! My aunt has never been to New York City and so we will be doing the touristy things (I’m already giving myself pep talks about how I will enjoy Times Square :)) but also un-touristy things and more local things. I’m so excited to have my people here!
Then Nick and I head to Cape Cod with his family on the 30th and I can’t wait for the quiet and quaintness of that place. His grandma has a house there so his fam has been going for years, but my first time was last year (side note: time flies) and it was so restful. I’m planning on unplugging from email and work for those 5 days and I think it will be just what my soul needs before next semester (my last semester heyyyyy) starts after Labor Day.
Today I’m currently eating this PB + J breakfast, then having a few Nutshell sessions, getting my hair cut, going on a long walk with maybe some jogging, cooking dinner for Nick and having a conference call with Cody where we’re casting vision for the fall! So if you have some input with what you want to see here on the blog or with Nutshell Nutrition, speak up in the comments!
Also, I’m having bible study girls over for dinner tomorrow and making these mediterranean falafel bowls and peach crisp. Plus wine. I’m pretty excited about it since I’ve been eyeing those falafel for months.
Need some positive affirmations? Click here. Questioning intuitive eating? Click here. Want to practice better self care? Click here.
Lastly, I’m hoping for a power nap today. Naps are my favorite.
Have the best dayyyyy!
When I was working on my doctorate, I often had nights, for weeks on end, where the insomnia just would not release its grip. Even now, when academic stressors get the best of me (I am a professor, not a student, now, but anxiety just the same), my sleep is the first thing to suffer. Our bodies certainly tell us when something is wrong and despite our best efforts, when it is time to dial things back, our bodies give us no choice but to listen. In moments like these I have found meditation and Pranayama helpful. Valerian root is also wonderful for calming my nerves. Hope you are sleeping like a baby soon 🙂
I’ve had a lot of recommendations for valerian root so I’ll have to give it a go. Also magnesium and a scoop of PB has worked WONDERS lately – I’m with you that when school stressors run high I get these intermittent bouts and it’s the worst, put it passes. Hope you get good sleep too!
Oh i love naps too! Whenever I have restless nights of sleep I tell myself “Give it to GOD & go to sleep” 🙂
I fell into insomnia during most of 2015, and finally just getting to a point of accepting it made it easier to deal with. Now when I can’t sleep, I just accept it and it makes is so much less dramatic! Hope you’ll get back to a normal balance soon, especially with your Cape Cod trip coming up! I was there with my dad’s family in July and LOVED it. It was exactly the vacation I needed. =)
I am the same way as you now..I use to get so worked up a year ago when I couldn’t sleep and now I just try to read and deep breath – glad you had a relaxing vacation too!!
Just got back from the Cape myself! My family has been going for over 50 years; it’s truly a special place that keeps you hooked once you go. Are you staying on the bay side? So much seafood and homemade ice cream 🙂
My insomnia was horrendous a few months ago when I began a new job. The stress of change along with the birth control I was on (which I have since stopped thanks to your advice) consistently gave me panic attacks in the middle of the night. Didn’t sleep for more than 4 hours for 3 straight weeks! Dialed things back with my workouts as I adjusted to my new work schedule and wouldn’t ya know sleep returned. Best of luck to you, I know your upcoming vacation will do wonders for your insomnia.
I think it’s Dennis beach?? I LOVE it there – so insanely peaceful and restful and amazing seafood, ice cream and taffy! hope you enjoyed your trip 🙂 so so glad to hear you are sleeping well again!
Sorry to hear about your insomnia. Take care of you, lady. Seems like the family visit, and trip with your other half are just what your soul is calling for. I hope you get a sweet night’s sleep soon.
It is just what I think my soul needs 🙂 I hope YOU have a very restful weekend!
Ugh, I’m sorry youve been having insomnia that is so hard! I’ve never heard of headspace ill have to try it out–i go through spurts of anxiety during stressful seasons of life!
try Head Space! I’ve really loved it!
I feel this, girl. Insomnia truly does suck, and I struggled with getting so worked up over lack of sleep in my senior year of high school. But once I realized that worrying about how I can’t sleep made insomnia perpetuate, things got better. It comes back every now and then, but I can handle it better now. This too shall pass, my dear! ♥︎ Praying for you.
thank you alison, you are so right I am SO much better at handling it now – hope you have a restful weekend 🙂
I hope your insomnia clears up soon! Sleep is soooo necessary for sanity! lol
And those Mediterranean falafel bowls look amazing!
thank you!! The last few nights have been great 🙂 and i highly recommend the falafel!
I hope you get better sleep tonight! Your friends blog looks fun – I’m adding it to my list to check out every now and then. I’d love to see how/if you meal plan and what goals you have for your week in regards to balancing food, workouts, social, and work. I love reading other people’s tips and tricks. Glad you only have one semester of school left – hope the end comes quickly!
I would love to write a post on rhythms of life and goals! hope you’re having a great week!