Five high points from the week:
I wrapped up my terminal project this week with our poster presentations. I’ve been working on this since January so it feels awesome to have that off my plate.
Having a conversation with one of the medical assistants at clinical about why her weight loss is plateauing and why she gains weight easily…because she’s been eating 1200 calories for almost a year. To see her ah-ha moment totally made my day.
Since I had to carry my poster to class on Wednesday I walked through Central Park instead of biking through and the slow morning stroll was the best start to the morning. I live on the east side and campus is on the west side, so I cross the park and then hop on the train on the west side up to school.
Hosting women’s bible study at my apartment. I was sick and then traveled the past couple weeks so I haven’t been in a while. It was completely refreshing to be back this past week. Plus I love to have people in my home. It makes me happy.
Being in a better sleep routine – in bed by 10pm and up by 5:30 or 6! Early, quiet mornings are my sweet spot.
And lastly, I’ll leave you with a video that builds off my last video about intuitive eating. This time I’m talking through six points that will hopefully help you eat for satisfaction and not just fullness.
What’s got you feeling extra good this week? Share in the comments!
I really loved this video. In the summer of 2014 after quite some weight gain and major, major sugar cravings (and major unhappiness at my job) I decided to get my things together and started with a daily green smoothie as seen on And step by step I continued to literally claim back my life. I have since then switched careers, found the love of my life and food is now just food. The freedom of mind I gained is just awesome. I focused on the meaning of food and the physical hunger feeling since 2014- Kylie from is a big help as well. Your video came at the perfect time! I feel that I can know move on to fully live and eat the “satisfactional” way.
Years ago I ate way too much veggies for lunch, no wonder I crashed in the afternoon. And the tipp about thinking about the next snack meaning you might still be hungry, that’s one I have to watch.
I still have the extra weight on my frame and I already was a whole lotta woman before the weight gain, but oh well. I do hope that some of might get lost naturally in the future, but right know I am just happy that I can eat at the pleasure of my soul (as heard from Jess Lively, who moves intentionally at the pleasure of her soul). Thank you for what you do and being some sort of mental mentor (since I do not knwo you personally) for food and holistic health! :-*
This may be one of my favorite videos yet! Thank you for sharing!!