New York and I aren’t really besties right now. We’re friendlier than we were in December, but there’s still a lot of tension. We’re working it out. Thinking about all the things I don’t like about New York gets me nowhere though, actually it only fuels the fire. So this year, in an effort to soften my hardness to the city and not get so frustrated with the day to day here, I’ve been starting the day by writing down three things I’m grateful for in my bullet journal and then at night writing three things I’m grateful for that happened in the day. And I’ll keep doing this forever, because even if we move from New York, life will hand me something else.
So let’s do that today, because starting the week with a big dose of gratitude sounds like a pretty good idea to me.
gratitude >> more patience >> less pissed-off-ness >> more joy >> better Robyn
Four things I was grateful for yesterday that I wrote down when I went to bed last night:
A sunshine filled, 9am run in Central Park with temps in the high 30s. Amazing. Happy. I ran 5 miles with my friend Emily and it totally made my morning. Vitamin D in the middle of January is only a super good and awesome thing.
Breakfast at Hu Kitchen with one of my old nursing school friends, Meg (on the left). She is one of the most thoughtful and caring people I know. For no reason, she brought me a little bouquet of yellow flowers when we met up…just because. Gahhh, how thoughtful?! She’s a pediatric nurse practitioner and I wish you all lived near Long Island so all your kids could be under her care.
Nick’s patience. We walked to church from Nick’s apartment yesterday evening and by the time I got to church and we got through worship I realized I didn’t have my phone with me. So I get on Nick’s Find My iPhone app and see that my phone is “at 25th and Park Ave.” Nick lives off 26th and 6th which is a few blocks over so I was like wtf? Why is my phone there? I left right before the sermon started to go fetch my phone and after bopping into a few doorman buildings off 25th and Park with no luck (and people thinking I was crazy) I went back to Nick’s apartment to find my phone on his counter. Hmmm, nice. Then I biked back over to church right as the sermon was ending. BAHHH. BUT, even despite my spaciness, Nick didn’t get frustrated with me or annoyed…but was like “whatever, that happened, moving on” And I didn’t get into a self shaming cycle of, “I’m such an idiot.” Yay, growth!
Dinner with the family of the man marrying us last night. David had been one of Nick’s mentors here in the city and through Nick I’ve gotten to know him and his wife, who work for Cru in the city, and their kids over the past couple years. His wife Meg, is incredible, raising 4 kids in the city and also just an amazing and gracious human. We brought dinner to them and hung out last night and it was so refreshing. Sooooooo refreshing. Super grateful for that.
Things I’m grateful for going into today:
MONDAY! A new week, clean slate, new mercies. Let’s go.
Food still in the fridge so I don’t have to go to the grocery today. It’s the small things these days.
Sleeping super soundly last night. I’ve had trouble sleeping in the past (it happens randomly, but annoyingly) and lately I’ve been passed out within 10 minutes and sleeping hard. And good sleep makes me a more sane human.
Now you go, share some grateful happiness in the comments!
Oh man, Robyn, I totally understand how unrelenting and exhausting the city can be., even as a complete urbanite. I live in Chicago, which does not operate at nearly the same pace as NYC, but it can be difficult too. I moved a couple weeks ago too, so between moving in the middle of January and the “surprise” costs that seem inherent during a move, especially in Chicago, I was fed up with the city.
But, then yesterday I discovered a wonderful coffee shop a couple blocks from my apartment. I’m such a coffee nerd (typical urban Millennial), but I really think those places are an oasis in a busy city. And there I met a woman who runs a girls only motorcycle riding group (I ride and didn’t know there was a group like this in the city!), so now I have something to look forward to come spring.
I think it is especially important to treat yourself extra kindly during these long winter months. For me, that is taking a Lyft to the grocery store instead of the bus, or getting my butt to the yoga studio more often. Thank you for the reminder to be grateful that these little things keep us sane.
This is such a good idea! Things I am grateful for today: a good workout this morning, no classes on Mondays, a stocked fridge of all my fav goodies from whole foods, and a fresh start to the week 🙂
I totally felt that way when I was living in Atlanta. But you are right, I moved to Savannah and sometimes I feel that things aren’t the way I wished they were here too. I started a gratitude journal awhile back to help me remember what I have going on that’s great, but like many things life got busy and I dropped it, so thanks for reminding me!
I love doing this and wish I would do it more regularly! Yesterday/Going into today: An hour walk in high 30’s with amazing sunshine. Being able to look at the amazing Montana view. Incredible. An amazing, selfless, caring, gracious, patient husband who was really put to the test yesterday. A few sore muscles from an awesome skiing day Saturday. I love fresh start Mondays, and the ability to work from home to love on my daughter when she is sick. This also gives me a chance to food prep for the week, something I couldn’t do yesterday. Unseen blessings 🙂 Happy Monday everyone!
so so so much goodness in your comment dawn! wishing you the best week 🙂
Since last week I also started focusing more on gratitude and reading the bible to stay away from negative energy and thoughts. It is so easy to dwell on those, which would not do any positiveness to not only self but also those around self. I started these because I found myself calmer after Sunday church. I love what you do – write. I will start writing down three things I am grateful, too, instead of naming in my head. Thank you, Robyn. Hope your Monday is going well.
it’s so easy to forget the positives – writing just solidifies everything…have a great week!
Yesss this is great! I’m grateful for- sunny weather, starting a new bible study, and trader joes gift cards 🙂
love that 🙂
Grateful for your reminder to be grateful this evening! But also: eating an apple that was just the right balance of sweet/crunch/juice, the beautiful frosty dog walk I had this morning, underfloor heating, the perfect cup of tea earlier when my fingers needed warming, a sweet text from a friend who lives far away and living in a house that has a dishwasher – bliss!
oh the amazingness of a perfect apple 🙂
dishwashers are a little, yet big thing – thanks for that reminder suzi!
I love this. I used to do it but got out of the habit. One thing I’m grateful for: after a LONG doctor’s appointment this morning, we’ve finally figured out the perfect speech adaptation device for my son. Gonna give that boy a voice!!!
oh goodness yes! that is wonderful news jamie!
This is so helpful Robyn. I’ve been looking for a little extra something to add to my days. I don’t know if it’s the weather or the staleness of January routine, but I need to infuse some gratitude into my day as well. Thanks for sharing <3
so glad this has resonated :)) have a great week karlie!
I’m trying to work on this recently myself too. I’m grateful for feeling little baby kicks in my belly, for a delicious meal that I just ate at home, and for my husband who is gracious and loving even when I’m in a grouchy mood.
congrats on that sweet babe!!!
So crazy Robin, I was just JUST thinking about how I wanted to do a gratefulness challenge today!
I am grateful for:
1) My roommates and getting to live with my best friend. It makes my days so full of laughter.
2)Food security. Today I found out from my boss that many kids on our campus are food insecure. I couldn’t imagine.
3)Being at church yesterday and seeing my boyfriend walk through the door and surprise me all the way from Pittsburgh (I live in OH). He just showed up and shocked the pants off of me. Then when I was kneeling by my bed that night to pray and was thanking God for him, I see a letter that he slipped under my pillow of all the reasons he loves me. I feel so undeserving of his love.
This semester is HARD and I have a ton going on but it’s little things like this and people like you reminding me that above all the stress, GOD IS GOOD.
besties as roommates are such a gift!
wow. food security – something we take for granted but we should be SO grateful for. Thank you for the reminder :))
And yay for amazing boyfriends!
Thank you, Robyn, for reminding me to do this! It’s something I’ve been wanting to do for a while but it’s so easy to push aside even though it makes all the difference. Kudos to you!
you’re so welcome 🙂 have the best week!
I was just thinking about this and today is one of those days were God’s goodness is just go overwhelming!
Three things I’m thankful for?
1. An early morning treadmill run. Endorphins = happy Bethany.
2. Time spent in the Word.
3. Lunch with my husband and time spent snuggling my five month old. It’s the simple things.
those all sound like things to be super grateful for :))