I’m working three back to back shifts Thursday through Saturday and this next week is nutty (but the end is near!) so I have plans to make a part 2 video to my last video on amenorrhea, but in the meantime…I thought what Kylie wrote today on her blog about bloating was perfect.
Bloating is the number one thing clients gets anxious/worried/concerned/challenged with either in ED recovery or simply just because. I hope this is helpful…
I was mega bloated and feeling blah before this meal, but I knew that would pass and when it did I’d be hungry if I didn’t eat. Sometimes you’re bloated. That doesn’t mean you should skip a meal or a snack. Feeling bloated occasionally is no different than getting a headache occasionally…it just happens. It doesn’t mean you did something wrong, you ate something wrong, or you should not eat. (And if you’re someone trying to weight restore…you will just feel bloated pretty much all the time until your gastroparesis subsides and the bloated feeling isn’t constantly present. Keep going! It gets better!)
Have a restful, fun, weekend with lots of gentleness and grace 🙂
As someone who struggles with bloating, very smelly gas (gross, I know), and abdominal cramping that distracts me from my work during the day, being present with others, and sleeping at night- I wonder if some people really are dealing with something more severe than a “vanity” bloat concern. What are your thoughts on this and how can we separate the two? I know it becomes very complicated with a past ED struggle in the mix.
Hi Robyn, I also wonder about this. And what your thoughts are on digestive enzymes.
they can be a helpful bridge while your trying to heal the underlying issue! but i don’t recommend them long term
I also struggle with this. I had a parasite in my gut and now I have no flora (from the treatment) so I’m bloated 24/7. It’s hard for me because 1. I come from a ED background and my tummy area is my main trigger site and 2. I just don’t feel good ever. It’s hard to ignore because despite being under weight (trying to gain but it makes it harder obv) I have no abs at all due to water and gas distention. IBS sucks but I can only hope that with healing it gets better.
Digetive enzymes are great and anything to help overall digestion like probiotics, ACV, lemon juice and also even glutamine can help with healing and avoiding any food sensitivities and weird chemical ingredients.
i do recommend digestive enzymes and probiotics overall, i know it’s hard – hoping things get better for you chelsea! parasites can take a long time to shake out
Hi Megan – certainly if things are that discomforting I always recommend going to get a GI workup by a doc so those more severe causes can be ruled out..if nothing is found then you can go from there. hope that helps!
I used to struggle with bloating a lot too. I love comparing it to a headache. So often we turn it in to this big thing that means we’ve eaten or done the wrong thing!
yes! of course there are always severe medical indications but your run of the mill bloating can be totally normal
Your posts are always a resounding reminder of how life should be, even when they are small snippets such as this. Thank you for being you, Robyn. <3
so glad they resonate with you julia 🙂
Would you/do you have more information on this topic? As someone who has been weight restored for several years after anorexia, and the very disturbing mega bloating has not gone away or even gotten a little better, I am completely frustrated. If only it could be likened to an occasional headache, but it is a nearly all day everyday battle of extreme discomfort.
GI stuff is complex and has such a high differential (meaning so many causes) feel free to email me if you’d like [email protected]!
I have been struggling with severe bloating pretty much all day every day for nearly 2 years and I am trying to gain weight after an eating disorder and I feel like I have tried everything to help settle the bloating at least a little bit but nothing seems to work and it is so frustrating because I feel so insecure about how big my tummy gets after only eating a snack and I’m finding it really hard to up my intake because my stomach will blow up after only eating a small amount of food