Today, I’m expanding on our amenorrhea conversation and talking about hypothalamic amenorrhea versus PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) – two conditions that can sometimes be confused with one another when it comes to diagnosis.
I’m walking through the symptoms that differentiate the two, what labs tests your doctor should order and how to interpret them and also some clues in your physical history that points to one versus the other.
I would love to continue this series, so please email me {[email protected]} with more questions! Also, I’m dipping my toes into video editing so thanks for being patient as I learn 🙂
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Also a disclaimer: I am a health care provider, but I am not your personal health care provider. Everything I say in this video is information that I hope is helpful, but it is not meant to take the place of seeing your health care provider, getting a proper diagnosis, and following their recommendation for treatment.
Resources for understanding hypothalamic amenorrhea versus PCOS
The information in this video was derived from multiple sources, including the above cited research articles and the book No Period. Now What? by Dr. N.J. Rinaldi, S.G. Buckler, and L.S. Waddell, under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
What is the video you refer to about treating PCOS? I couldn’t find it and would love to hear what you suggest.
This is literally amazing timing. I just was told my ultrasound showed polycystic ovaries and I haven’t had a period since coming off the pill 100+days ago. At first I thought it was post pill issues, but now it seems to be pointing toward PCOS–OR HA. I feel like I might be one of those people you mention in the video with both–can you have polycystic ovaraies and get an HA diagnosis? is that something I’d have to fight for? Thanks!
Yes you CAN have both…but remember you can have polycystic ovaries and have HA, not PCOS. I would ask your doctor about it and be pretty firm about talking it through. thinking of you!
Great info Robyn.
I also follow a fantastic website called noperiodnowwhat…And they have a facebook group very interesting
Have a nice day
thanks for sharing!!
I love that you are so passionate about these issues, it’s comforting to know I’m not alone but also so frustrating realizing that doctors often don’t give lack of a period the appropriate attention! After hearing that I hadn’t had a period for about 2 years even after treatment, the GYN I saw (who supposedly specializes in women with disordered eating pasts!) only suggestion was to put me on birth control! UGH, so thankful for your posts!
This is my life’s work I feel like so I’m so glad it is helpful for you. You are SO NOT ALONE. I very much feel your frustration. Keep fighting for your health! xo
I guess I am wondering for those who can’t afford private sessions from someone like you (like Nutshell Nutrition or other certified R.Ds) what you recommend when their doctor/ObGYN just want to stick them on the pill because of missinf period (from HA). It’s hard being an advocate for yourself without a ton of guidance, especially with medical terms and how to get your period back/balance your hormones!
TOTALLY get that as I was once you too …can you change doctors?
Good tips! It’s great for breakfast