Our weekend was more social than we’ve been since we got back from the honeymoon. On the one hand I love seeing lots of people and doing fun things, on the other hand I don’t like going into Monday feeling like the weekend was full speed. Lesson learned: find middle ground.
We had a going away party Friday, friends over Saturday afternoon and another going away party Saturday evening {this is New York…sadly, people come and go} before going to dinner with friends Saturday night. Sunday we had friends over for breakfast and I had a bridal shower before we went to church in the evening. Super fun and refreshing in the way of seeing lots of people we love…but restful? Not so much. I’m reading Present Over Perfect currently and it’s rocking my world in learning how to not function at 100% capacity. I don’t want to be that person.
Anyyywayyzzzz. I’ve gotten a lot of feedback to post more weekly eats so here we go! I typically just unload my camera roll from the week or two prior so it’s just as interesting for me to be like….”oh yea that lunch was super good.”
This salad above has been so satisfying for lunch. I hated salad there for a bit, I think because I couldn’t find anything “fun” to add to it. Well, I recently I found this goat gouda at Whole Foods and it has reinvented the salad game. On a bed of mixed greens was cucumber, shredded carrots, pepper, radish and tomatoes with the gouda and balsamic vinaigrette. I ate it with some triscuts.
fried eggs + toast is my go to breakfast | I like variety so butter goes on one half and pb + banana on the other half of some ezekiel cinnamon raisin bread + blueberries because it’s summer.
I made a batch of these granola bars from Minimalist Baker to have on hand and they are salty + sweet and hold me over well at work…I don’t think my dates were sticky enough though so they crumble a bit but then it’s like really awesome granola so…win win.
dinner one night last week was green lentil and butternut squash dal from the Deliciously Ella cookbook – I used frozen butternut squash and it made making this recipe SO EASY. We them with roasted yellow potatoes
My go to snack lately has been whole milk greek yogurt with blueberries and purely elizabeth granola (best price by far is here on Amazon) – it keeps me full and the creaminess of yogurt now that’s it summer hits the spot. Also, I tried the Clif nut butter filled bars (inspired by Kylie) and love them. They’re way way better than the regular ones and like cookie dough in the middle.
We made pork unrolled eggs rolls in a bowl last week in addition to this lasagna from Hummusapian – Alexis told me it was amazing and Nick would love it too – and we did! How tofu, hummus and nutritional yeast come together to make ricotta is beyond me but it was awesome. On the side we had salad with grated cheese, sunflower seeds and olive oil along with some Chenin Blanc from South Africa. (a little note: just because the lasagna is vegan doesn’t mean you have to be vegan or the meal has to be all vegan..hi, grated cheese on salad or add it to the lasagna…a few years ago I think I use to get into that black and white thinking and it’s an easy hangup for clients too so I hope those words are freeing)
We also snacked on these pb + chocolate banana muffins from the Thug Kitchen cookbook. 1) they are so doughy and perfect 2) I love this offensive and hilarious cookbook 3) oat flour is one of my fav flours to bake with because it’s slightly sweet and sooooo doughy. Bring on the dough. 4) always add extra chocolate chips
I made a bigger version of the same yogurt + blueberry + granola snack from above for breakfast yesterday morning that I ate while writing this blog post.
Another salad I took to work a couple weeks ago was this spinach + pepper + carrot + cucumber + edamame salad with peanuts and thai red curry dressing. Super good too. Along with triscuts and an apple.
And for dinner (since I work till 11) I had leftover dal + potatoes.
I picked up bagels this week at the grocery (because..craving) and swapped the usual toast for bagel this week for breakfast. Again, variety with the bagel toppings.
I figured out my favorite way to eat oatmeal (recipe here) for breakfast. Follow my whole oatmeal saga if you care at all about how I don’t think I like it for breakfast over on insta 🙂
Usually I buy a couple pints of ice cream each week since most nights I crave it so we always have and eat it at home but there is something wayyyyy better about going out to the ice cream shop. Saturday night after getting pizza at Lil Frankies in the East Village with friends we walked over to Van Leeuwan’s for ice cream. I went with the vegan cookie dough. Their cows milk ice cream is sooo good too, but I so prefer the vegan because it’s so freaking creamy. And there is actually whole chunks of cookies in dough form up in there. I definitely ate past satisfaction this time since my stomach didn’t feel awesome after but lesson learned: just eat a little less next time even though it tastes good. Curiosity over judgement. My body metabolizes food well and the uncomfortable feeling always goes away. Intuitive eating isn’t perfect and that is oh.kay.
I’m starting a new job this week (more news on that later!) so it will be busy, but good! Hope you have a fab week too. Tell me something satisfying you ate in the comment and a link if there is one so we can all get some food inspiration!
And if you want more good eats – here’s older posts 🙂
Weekly Eats {and pretty sunsets}
Holy moly, busy weekend! I’m overwhelmed just thinking about it.
Also, this post made me really really want blueberries. Share plz?
sharing of course 🙂
I loved this Robin! the tidbits about intuitive eating are so relatable + helpful. Happy week!
I love these kinds of posts! I’ve been tired of salads lately too, so a little inspiration never hurts. The best thing I eat this week, I didn’t have a recipe, but came together using things from our local CSA. I had a coupon at our local grocery store for roast broccoli and cauliflower, so I sauté that with Finley sliced turn ups, sugar snap pea’s, black sesame oil, and rice wine vinegar. I threw raw tofu on top and covered everything in Sriracha and nutritional yeast. So good and awesome cold.
love when a mishmash comes together like that 🙂
Those muffins sound dope. I want to reach out and grab one. Love food inspiration posts like these!
🙂 they are so dope
Present Over Perfect is THE best book!!! Totally changed my mindset about work + rest as well. That ice cream sounds bomb! I don’t think I’ve ever had vegan ice cream but am totally open to trying it, especially if it has cookie dough chunks. =D
Something satisfying I ate this weekend -> chicken and waffles!
that book literally CHANGED MY LIFE. and chicken and waffles FTW
This is totally out of curiosity and I apologize if it sounds nitpicky but don’t whole grain noodles contain egg? I was actually watching the second season of Matter of None and he was making pasta and it occurred to me that vegans can’t eat normal pasta because of the egg. Total “duh” moment for me but I’m just curious if they sell vegan pasta!
Your eats look great I love these posts!
not all of them at all…look for the dry noodles, not fresh. <3
Good to know! Thank you ☺
I made your healthy trail mix cookies last night to have for snacks this week…so good! Looking forward to snack time today! I loved how easy they were to throw together and all the fun, healthy add-ins. 🙂
they are so customizable – love them for that too and so glad you enjoyed!
I love your recent eat posts!! Thank you. It is SO helpful and inspiring!
<3 <3
Hi Robin! Love your page! I would be really interest in you advice on moving to a new city and making friends. It seems you have done a few times in you twenties and have found great friendships! I would love to know what helped you most. I am considering a move but am nervous I will had a hard time meeting new people.
will definitely add that and write about it 🙂 xoxo
I don’t remember where I read the joke about needing a weekend to recover from the weekend–a meme or comic strip, I think–but I think about it a lot.
I’m also not a big salad girl, but with all the amazing produce at the farmers’ market, I bought myself some of my favorite salad dressing (Brianna’s real French vinaigrette) and I’ve been really enjoying it. 🙂 That goat cheese gouda looks soooooo good!
I love hard goat cheeses! I’ve been eating goat havarti and its delightful with crackers. I am 4 months pregnant and spent 3 months hating and dreading any and all food. For real… Nausea FTW. It was awful and I still have my moments, but much fewer. Anywho last night I ate blue tortilla chips with guacamole from a local market (they make it with kale so.. healthy?) and slices of that goat havarti for dinner.. and it was all I could ever want 🙂
even if it wasn’t made with kale…it is healthy because you craved it and it nourishes 🙂
that sounds FAB. congrats on the baby!
That’s so interesting that you said you ate past satisfaction. I’ve definitely struggled with the guilt that comes along with that feeling. Intuitive eating isn’t always perfect. Thank you so much for that reminder.
never ever perfect…we are human after all 🙂
I went through the same thing with salads, but then I discovered these awesome pumpkin burgers at my local grocery store and have been putting those on top + cottage cheese and hummus! What is your go-to bagel from the grocery store? I’ve always struggled finding doughy, wholesome ones. Thanks for the eats inspiration!
yum! those sound great!
Hi Robin!
I really enjoy reading your daily eats posts! I am a young married girl who eats breakfast at home, takes most of my lunches on the go and tries to cook frequently for me and my husband. It really is inspirational to gain ideas from you of balanced meals with all kinds of yummy foods which nourish your body and mind. I wish I could meet you… haha… Thanks so much!
Hey Laura! I’m so glad it’s been helpful 🙂 we are friends no matter if we meet in real life or not 🙂 xo
I’m reading Present Over Perfect currently as well! 🙂 Such an amazing read and so needed for any perfectionist’s mindset… life isn’t about the checks on the to-do list!!
yes yes yes. That book literally CHANGED my life!
I love your eats posts; they give me ideas for meals and inspire me to bake more. Also, I totally agree about the oatmeal. I too had to find a way to make it the way I enjoyed because sometimes it would make me feel nauseous. I actually wrote a blog post on it (also inspired by you- haha!). Check it out if you ever want to try another oatmeal recipe: https://rithikaproddutoor.wordpress.com/2017/05/31/ode-to-oatmeal/
That vegan ice cream cone has me droooooooling!
I love love love all your posts and wise words and I’m so stoked to know that you are helping people beyond just me. We need more RD’s like you!
I loved your comment about just because your lasagna was vegan doesn’t mean your whole meal has to be… the other night i got ice cream with my friend at Ben and Jerry’s. I love the dairy-free PB and cookie flavor, and I ordered it in a chocolate dipped cone. The woman scooping informed me that the cone was not dairy-free, which was nice of her especially if I had an actual dairy allergy. I kind of felt weird and contradictory for moment about my order, but then I just thought, who cares! This is what I like! And on a warm summer night after a really great walking catch-up session with an old friend, that vegan ice cream on a non-vegan cone really hit the spot!