It was so cool here this weekend! It felt more like April than nearly August. Loved it!
Friday night I got home from work around 7pm after staying a little later and Nick and I did what we do most Friday nights, make a good cocktail or pour a glass of wine and eat cheese and crackers as we wind down from the week. Last night, Nick made martinis. We’re weren’t messing around. 😉
A little later we walked over to Brookfield place to grab dinner and then took it out near the water to eat while the sun set. There are so many fresh and fun food options inside Brookefield Place so it’s nice that’s its a 3 minute walk from our apartment. We decided on Umami Burger since we had never had it.
I went with the K-BBQ burger which has a korean bbq sauce, kimchi and other veggies. Nick went with the ‘manly’ which had onion rings, cheese and some special sauce. We split some sweet potato fries dipped in house made jalapeño ranch that were SO GOOD. I rarely order buns on burgers (another example from last weekend here) not because buns are “bad” or something, but because they just don’t satisfy me. I’d rather taste the toppings and burger more, have more room in my stomach for sweet potato fries. Foods like bagels, crusty bread and donuts…that’s super satisfying to me.
We watched the rest of Somm (and Nick and I found out that one of the Master Somms, Dustin Wilson, has a wine shop 5 minutes from our apt ha) and then were asleep by 11pm. We woke up naturally a little after 7am. There is nothing better than waking up naturally.
Over the past month or so I (and we) have stopped making perpetual weekend plans. I feel like every weekend use to be booked full and then I would get to Monday and want another weekend. There was little margin for spontaneity. We were either traveling or socializing the crap out of ourselves and running around the city on the weekends we were in town. Then I told Nick a while back that I wanted to stop making plans and see how things unfolded as the weekend neared. We usually have some potential friend meet ups loosely planned and then just go from there. And it is SO MUCH MORE FREEING.
So Saturday we woke up, Nick went to work out and I did a bunch of blog and business stuff. There is going to be so much change happening in the next few months with the private practice and the blog and I’m really, really excited about it. Over the past few weeks I feel like my gas tank of passion and ambition for the blog and business has been turbo charged so I’m riding that out right now. So look out for that coming in the fall 🙂
In between writing and working we made pancakes and eggs with spinach. Pancakes this time were Davida’s blender banana oatmeal pancakes which were so easy and fluffy. I added chocolate chips to the batter.
And then I finished working on some things while Nick cleaned and did house stuff and ran errands. Around 1 or so I needed to move my body so I went down to our apartment gym and whirled on the elliptical while listening to a podcast.
I rarely eat a formal sit down lunch on Saturdays because I snack a bit in the morning, make a big brunch and then in the afternoon I’ll usually make a smoothie and some popcorn and that carries me through till happy hour. This Saturday was no different. I made a typical green smoothie (vega protein powder, frozen banana, frozen spinach, chia, almond milk and ice) and then we popped a huge bowl of popcorn. All you do is cover the bottom of the pan with popcorn kernels, add enough oil (we use coconut or canola) to barely cover the seeds and then add the lid and set on high until the kernels start popping. Then shake the pan back and forth until popping slows (or your lid starts to lift off). The best popcorn ever.
Around 5 or so we headed out in search of good wine and pizza with plans for a picnic by the pier.
We walked over to Verve (the wine shop we discovered after watching Somm) and meandered around while one of the guys helped us pick out a good red to go with pizza. We ended up with a Barbera d’ Alba that was perfect. Fruity and juicy and not too heavy. The cooler weather made red wine over white feel justttt right.
And then we called ahead to Spunto and ordered a pizza so by the time we walked there it was ready. We went with the parma which had arugula, apples, bacon, prosciutto and a balsamic glaze. We love their pizza because the crust is thin and light and the toppings are always fresh and unique.
We took the pizza and wine over to Pier 40 to watch the sunset and threw out a blanket for a picnic while we watched the sunset. Our friends Brent and Chris came over to hang later and a blog reader was walking along the water and came over to say hello. Hi Jenny!
We laid there for a couple hours, I ate a few pieces of pizza and had a couple glasses of wine. We planned to go to a comedy show but tickets were sold out except for the midnight show and I can’t hang that late… so when Chris came we all decided to walk to Van Leeuwens in the West Village instead for ice cream. Sounded like a great alternative to me.
Nick and I split this respectable waffle cone filled with raspberry crumble and cookie dough ice cream. If you are in New York, you must go here. The creamiest, richest and most satisfying ice cream ever. And the time and craft they put into it cannot compare. The waffle cone was still warm for crying out loud.
We biked home, watched an episode of Grey’s and were asleep by 11. Woke up naturally around 8am and I ate a date with peanut butter before meeting Alexis for a walk along the river. She’s in the city visiting a high school friend but we knew we had to see each other.
I love her. We chatted about everything, laughed at everything and strolled around for over an hour before hugging four times and saying goodbye. If you don’t read her blog, you should. She’s brutally honest and has gone through a recent change towards intuitive eating and overall wellness and living a purposeful life in both her blog content, her life and her practice as an RD and I think that’s super brave. Plus she’s hilarious and sarcastic and I could hang with her for hours so that was a really refreshing way to start Sunday.
The rest of Sunday included making brunch (aka bacon, egg, cheese and avocado sandwiches) with Nick, laying out on the terrace, finishing some blog work and soaking up all the sunshine.
And then around 2:30 it was so freaking nice out that we decided to ride bikes across the Brooklyn Bridge and bike around Brooklyn for a bit. The weather was so perfect and refreshing all I wanted to do was be outside.
After biking, I met my friend Ann before church and we sat in the park and chatted. She’s one of those friends who is so rooted and down to earth that she inspires you to live a more authentic life.
After church, cooking and doing dishes did not feel restful on a Sunday evening, so we picked up Chipotle, poured a glass of wine, ate dinner outside and spent the evening relaxing on the terrace. Then watching This Is Us before bopping into bed.
How was your weekend? Share some self care or something restful you did in the comments!
Your pizza picnic looked so lovely and delicious!
LOOOOVE Van Leeuwen!
How cool that you can just bike across the Brooklyn bridge whenever! I love it. Love that you are intentionally creating more margin in your weekends. I’ve come to the same realization lately and have been actively NOT planning things unless I have to! It’s so nice to actually feel rested come Monday morning. My husband and I were at the beach with family over the weekend so there were lots of relaxing mornings, slow bike rides, beach afternoons, and pizza/wine! Just what I needed!
You guys are too cute! Love your wine and cheese and wine and pizza dates 🙂 so jealous you and Alexis got to hang– you two are both incredible and amazing gals!
we love starting the weekend that way because it’s so simple but it feels so RELAXING
hope your weekend was great!
Love your weekend recaps!! I totally agree with not filling up weekends to the brim.. because then I’m craving another weekend to rest! Ha Got my nails done on Friday & slept 10 hours each night– self-care FTW! I’m excited to see what is coming to the blog this fall! I enjoy all your wisdom about nutrition & just your daily posts! I also must say I have that coconut oil popcorn as well… I snack on it often! Ps. if you could send some of that ice cream to Wisco, it would be greatly appreciated 😉
manicures and sleep YES
sending ice cream right now 🙂
Your Friday night wine and cheese dates are inspiring me! I’ll have to replicate that this week!
I have a hard time slowing down on the weekends. I can’t sit still or else I’ll feel like I’ve “wasted” the day. However, I’m also very extroverted, so in order for me to feel rejuvenated I need to be around people. I know you are on a journey yourself, but I’m curious to know what sort of self care you practice during the week. That’s when I think i need it most. I’m stressed and unhappy in my job, which make weeknights difficult for me. I try to go go go M-Th too and just wind up burning myself out. Any thoughts you can share in a blog post?
we love starting the weekend that way 🙂
I love this idea for a post so I’m going to plan on sharing that in August!
Okay, girlfriend, this post makes me miss NYC! <3
ha, ohhhhhh no you don’t mags 🙂 I dream of a slower pace one day.. xoxo
I’ve always loved your blog and am enjoying all of your posts now that you have time to post more! That’s great that you’re making more time to just relax and be spontaneous 🙂 The best part of our weekend was listening to some live music at a family-friendly place yesterday afternoon – so fun to see our ten month old enjoying music and dancing!
glad you’re enjoying! I love live music!
It is so cool/amazing to me to see some of the most influential instagrammers/social media/bloggers get together and become such good friends like you and Kylie and you and Alexis. It’s wonderful to me to see that you’ve left so much room for spontaneity in your schedule Robyn because I bet that makes the weekend so much more relaxed and exciting, because you don’t know what’s around the corner.
Being able to spend time in real life is a treat 🙂
hope you had a great weekend too!
I’m new to your blog, but find it very interesting! I am reading a book right now that i am LOVING that i think you might enjoy based on this post. It is called “Rhythms of Rest” by Shelly Miller. All about how to make rest a reality in a busy world.
you’re the 2nd person to recommend that book – I’ll have to pick it up!
I am so excited for the new blog things to come woohoo! I am pretty introverted so alone time and rest is an essential part of my weekends. I am coming up on a hectic semester, so last night I took some time to journal and create some goals for myself this coming season. I want to make sure I stay rooted in who I am so that stress does not become overwhelming. I am trying to focus on gratitude where there is stress. I am so glad you had a beautiful weekend!
love how you journaled and made some goals – staying rooted is what I find most important in a world of hustle
so glad you enjoyed the weekend julianne!
This looks like a SPLENDID weekend! And I’m with you. I can’t imagine having a lot of things planned for my weekend now. I love having a nice slow weekend that usually involves me not even taking a shower until 1 or 2 p.m. We always make pancakes/waffles in the morning and I usually spend the day catching up on Netflix, doing a few house chores and just relaxing. I might take a walk around the neighborhood in the evening, and I might not. Just depends on how I feel. Love this!
ohhh how I LOVE A SLOW MORNING with pancakes. Sounds lovely!
Yaaaaas plan free weekend are the best! Good for you! I had my husband’s and my sister-in-law’s bday parties so there were lots of mimosas on the beach, happy hours & snacks for GOT.
mimosas and beach sounds amazing!
Sounds like the perfect weekend! I’ll need to put Van Leeuwen on my list of ice cream places to try. Right now I’m obsessing over Big Gay and Ample Hills (or literally any ice cream shop in the city…)
On Sunday a friend and I went to Westville for brunch and kayaked at Pier 25 since the weather was GORG. It’s free to the public so you should definitely check it out!
PS–you and Nick were so sweet in person. Thanks for the shoutout 🙂
I love that you met a blog reader just by chance. Has that ever happened to you before?
My boyfriend and I spent Sunday morning just playing board games. We’d been wrestling with insurance companies the whole day before, so it was so nice to just hang out and have fun!
Self care was binge watching Friends 😉
Christy Harrison is one of my role models (along with you and Alexis) – I freaking love her podcasts. Your weekend looked delicious and relaxing, per usual 🙂 I had quite a few of my nutrition classes to catch up on over the weekend, but I also made time for brunch with two girlfriends on both Saturday and Sunday. Have an amazing week, Robyn!
One of the things I like doing is “scheduling” in my down time. I set aside at least 1-2 hours (even on a busy weekend) where I can just sit and relax. That might be a Saturday morning coffee shop date with my husband, or a solo bike ride in the evening (whatever I’m in the mood for!) But that way, even on a busy weekend, I have some “scheduled” no-schedule time!
haha I love the Chipolte and wine combo! I spent my weekend traveling back from a church mission trip to Georgia. So tiring, but spent with some of my favorite people. 🙂
Do your chia seeds get blended up fully or is the smoothie a bit gritty? I tried putting chia seeds in my smoothie once and just didn’t like the texture. Maybe they’re just too small for our blender blades.