I love + respect Brene Brown and the work she does so much. I am always pinning quotes of hers to circle back to when life gets rough or when I need a heart check. I hope these resonate with you too <3
helping you find peace with food and your natural body size
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, especially the last one! Thank you for sharing!
I’m loving this Brene Brown kick everyone’s in! I’m almost done with Braving the Wilderness and just feel so empowered to love people better with it! Thanks for sharing these.
I love Brene Brown too and these quotes are so inspirational! When I read her latest book though, the part about obesity causing death caught me off guard. I hope she learns more about HAES since so many people in larger bodies feel shame and her message can really resonate with us, but she excludes us from her work with those statements. I saw a piece written about this floating around Facebook. A woman in a larger body went to hear Brene Brown speak and left feeling so much shame. I still love Brene but I think she needs a bit of a disclaimer for some.
Love her too – her work is so powerful! This is the amazing article going around about a letter to Brene Brown: https://benourished.org/open-letter-brene-brown/
Pretty much my whole Christmas list consists of her books! I have listened to many of the talks she’s given and I can’t wait to dive into her books 🙂
I need to add more to my list! I love listening to her on audiobook
Ahh these are all so beautiful and so so true! The 3rd one especially resonates with me. I actually just wrote a post on the magic of simple showing up 🙂
I love how you worded that…”the magic of simply showing up”
Amen… Thank you Robyn.
She is just so, so wonderful
agreed <3
I adore each and every one of these quotes; thank you for sharing them! I especially love the pre-last one because it reminds me of the Dumbledore quote “we must all make the choice between what is right and what is easy.” Yep, total Potterhead here.
haha thanks for sharing 🙂
I love the “Daring to set boundaries is about having the courage to love ourselves, even when we risk disappointing others” quote. Been dealing with that recently. I feel like I want to be perfect and have others see me as perfect but the fact of the matter is I’m never going to be perfect and it’s ok to disappoint people.
Love that quote and it resonates SO much with me. We will dissapoint and that is okay. We can’t be for everyone all the time. <3