This week hasn’t been the most ideal start to 2018. Not in a bad way. But just a messy and exhausting and chaotic way. I knew it would be a stressful way to start the year but that’s life sometimes. While everyone is planning for the new year and probably has groceries in their fridge, feels rested and is getting back into a routine …I’m over here feeling like a crazy woman with my life in three different places, craving some food from my own kitchen and trying to keep up with responsibilities while at the same time unpack our lives so we have some sense of normalcy.
But we’ve made it to Friday. And while it was quite the week that was bookended by a respectable snow storm….we’re here! And I’m so thankful to be semi settled and able to breath a bit and plan for the week ahead. I also realize a lot of this stress is my own fault. I really don’t like how hyper focused I get when it comes to settling into a new place, but it’s really hard if not impossible for me to think and focus on work when my home feels like it’s in a million pieces. Nick’s like, “It’s okay to take our time and do this slowly.” And I’m like, “Um, no we can’t. I need to feel settled so I can feel sane. Right now my mind feels like a clouded mess.” Maybe that’s an area for some growth Robyn…
So we went to town for 72 hours settling the place the best we could right now. Between that and keeping up with clients and email and the business as a whole I’m feeling exhausted and intellectually empty. But I also realize I only work for myself right now, what a gift it is to have this flexibility and how this could be a whole other doozy of a week if either Nick or I were starting new jobs.
All that to say, if the start to your 2018 is feeling less than restful and planned and rhythmic…that’s okay. I’m right there with you 🙂
By Tuesday I did make it to the grocery store instead of eating every meal out. And after seeing my sister in law make so many things in the Instant Pot (that I’m calling Instapot for short) I decided I wanted to use ours way more. We received it as a wedding gift and while we use it sometimes, I think I felt intimidated by it so I kept resorting back to the familiarity of pots and pans.
Well no more. I made this lentil soup for lunch this week in about 25 minutes start to finish which was tasty. So you could say I’m feeling inspired. Making dried beans and grains in this thing is a whole new world. I use canned beans all the time because they’re easier. But dried beans are cheaper and you don’t waste a can. And I feel less bloat after I eat cooked-from-dry beans. Side note –> bloating is normal. But if I can easily avoid some of it, I’m in.
All you do is add a 1:2 ratio of beans to liquid, add a splash of apple cider vinegar (which helps with digestibility) and set the instapot on high for 40 minutes. When it’s done let the pressure release naturally for 10 minutes and then quick release the valve. That’s it! No more overnight soaking or water boiling over. Grains are also insanely easy and take 10 minutes. Oh the possibilities. I’m pumped.
I was talking to a friend today about how I wanted to get in the kitchen more in a less hurried + practical way. To cook and try new things (like making bread) in a way that’s slower and enjoyable and therapeutic in a way. Instead of racing against the clock to get lunches + dinner prepped for the week in an hour. Sometimes that’s what fits and works, but I want to create more margin to cook for stress reducing self care vs just trying to feed myself. So if you have some favorite instant pot recipes or recipes in general, share them in the comments!
Now onto the apartment.
We’ve lived in a lot of small spaces, but I was a little worried this apartment was going to be too snug. We went back and fourth between two apartments before we rented this one. The other one was a few blocks away and was 1000 sq, feet but more expensive. This apartment was in a slightly better location (farther away from a busy avenue) and a bit smaller at 750 sq feet, but less expensive. We went back and forth, but ultimately it made sense to save a chunk of money. Doesn’t it always? Columbia left me with some hefty debt, so it felt like the easy decision to live in a smaller space and put that money towards student loans. It’s a two bedroom – the second bedroom in this apartment is pretty small, but it gets the job done. We essentially wanted an office space/spare bedroom for family and friends to visit which could be turned into a nursery when we decided to expand our fam 🙂
Now after moving in, I’m so so so glad we chose this apartment. We have so much more space than I realized! And I love the old charm and coziness of this place. The fireplace, arched walls leading into the kitchen, slightly creaking hardwood floors and our neighbors make living in this brownstone feel homey.
The few things I hoped for when we were looking was a brownstone apartment, an open kitchen and a walkable central location. I feel lucky we found this place at an off season price.
It’s smaller than we hoped, but I’ve learned with some good organization and creativity, small spaces work. Our last apartment was an 875 sq foot one bedroom and ironically in New York, it almost felt too big. Call me crazy.
We still have some work to do with hanging things on the wall, getting the second bedroom settled and trading out our kitchen table but that will come in the next few weeks. For now, it feels like we have a home again and that feels good.
I love the kitchen SO MUCH. You can’t reach the top cabinets without a ladder so things we only use every few months are up there. Along with extra paper towels and all that kind of stuff. I love the huge island and white cabinets and granite. I can’t wait to entertain in this space now that we have a kitchen that is totally open to the living space. We need to get bar stools and find somewhere to put the wine.
We have a new kitchen table coming from Wayfair and sadly are selling this farmhouse table we got just under a year ago. It’s too big for the space and makes it feel crampy and tight. So we have a circular table with an extendable leaflet to add that will allow us to seat six when we have guests over. So if you’re in Boston and want this table…email me 🙂
The tv is a bit much for the mantle and for this space (its such an eyesore I think), but for now it’s working. We’d like to get a smaller tv but need to sell this one first. We plan on hanging stuff to recreate the same gallery wall we had at our last apartment this weekend. That’s all the stuff laying on the coffee table.
I love how wide the hallway is so we could have more storage space since we don’t have a hallway closet. We do have a washer and dryer though that are tucked into the hallway closet. I will take a washer and dryer over a hallway closet ANYDAY. After 4 years of basement laundry and laundry mats, I’m so excited about doing laundry in my own home.
Again, we have some wall hanging to do. I’m not sure what I want on the walls so I’m playing around with it.
The bathroom I really like too. The shower is bigger and more updated (our old water pressure was like a trickle) It’s also bigger than our old one and has a lot more drawer space.
With only one bathroom, I’m glad it’s big. The shower curtain is super high so we had to order a new curtain off Amazon.
The bedroom initially looked way smaller without furniture in it. Both Nick and I were surprised to find out when everything was moved in, the space was way bigger than we first thought.
And the second bedroom is currently a storage space for extra stuff. I take client calls in that chair right now, but ordered some things through Wayfair (obsessed with their stuff) this week and it will eventually have a desk space in front of the window and a futon against the right wall. The room is small (7×13) so a couch felt too bulky. When people visit we can either fold out the futon or set up an air mattress. We thought about a bed, but it didn’t seem like the best use of the space since at best we have guests stay with us once every 1-2 months.
That’s that! I told Nick you’d have to yank me out of this apartment. After six moves in less than 4 years, it’s going to take outgrowing the space or a major life change for me to want to move again.
Cheers to 2018 in a new home in a new city. We are loving the slower pace and familial feel so far.
Have a great weekend!
We moved the first week of 2018 too! We signed a lease December 21st and had to be completely out of the old apartment by December 30th. Luckily we weren’t switching cities – but not-so-luckily, both of us were back to full time work first thing January 2nd! A bunch of stuff is still in boxes, we have nothing set up with the gym or library, half our bills are still in the swap process and we’re using our phones as internet hotspots but it’s getting there. I understand the stress of moving at this time of year but I’m so excited to watch all the seasons change from our brand new home.
Oh you get it! I can’t imagine having to be out in 9 days too. And starting back full time on the 2nd – I commend you! Wishing you all the best in this new season too 🙂
Hi Robyn,
I know a snow storm is not a good thing, but for someone who never saw snow, it’s really nice to see that magical white covering the streets of Boston and on your window views (we have a mile weather throughout the year in the Azores).
Life has taught me that a little chaos, in the beginning, makes things much sweeter, in the end. I was 3 months pregnant when we moved to our new home and yes, settling in a new place is a little (a lot) stressful but when things are all in its right places and it already feels homy, having a new house you’ve worked so much for and put your own character in is one of the most wonderful feelings in the world.
Enjoy your new home, it looks lovely!
A thousand kisses from the Azores, Portugal
It was magical Ines 🙂
It has been stressful but good!
Have a wonderful weekend!
We just moved into a new house also and I TOTALLY feel you!! I want to be settled like…yesterday, even though I know it’s not logical. I keep saying I feel like we’re camping and not really living in the space! Oh well, a practice in patience I guess. 🙂
Your place looks great!! I love the architecture details. Can I ask where did you get your dresser? I’m looking for one very similar! Thanks!
ha…yes. yesterday. Ahhhh a practice in patience, so fun 🙂
Our dresser was a steal of a find thankfully. It’s Restoration Hardware but we found it on Craigslist for about 25% of the original price (I could probably never get myself to pay for RH furniture brand new) but in New York, people put good stuff on Craigslist!
I am in LOVE with your apartment!! It looks beautiful and I think the way you’ve furnished it look s amazing!
May I ask which instant pot you have? I’m looking into getting one but I’m not sure which one to get !
Oh thank you Megan. We love it too 🙂
I linked to it in the blog post!
Robyn, where did you get that farmhouse table? I love it!
Oh man major thanks for introducing me to the website Wayfair! My boyfriend and I desperately need some wall art and pretty throws/pillows to brighten up our place. All the stuff I end up liking online is crazy expensive, though, and we would rather not break the bank decorating. Besides Wayfair, where else do you buy this kind of stuff? Your new place in Boston is totally gorgeous, by the way! It looks cozy and the light is beautiful.
We love it so much! Such great deals for good quality stuff. I find stuff at Target and Homegoods too. 🙂
Thank you – we are loving it here too 🙂
The apartment and decor are stunning! I’ve never minded small spaces as long as they are updated and aesthetically pleasing. I’d much rather have a small, well designed space than a large outdated (or boring) one. The apartment looks perfect!
I agree with you!
What a beautiful apartment! You mentioned recipes and bread making:-) 2 years into eating disorder recovery I am Relishing bread again! Your blog has been So helpful to my healing journey! I recently discovered a insanely simple bread recipe that is so good!! I use white spelt flour, as my tummy doesn’t prefer wheat, but the texture would be even better with wheat, I think. It is very forgiving on rising time and you can even tweak it to get some sourdough taste and improved digestibility, which my body likes right now. It makes an incredible pizza crust, and if you don’t let it ferment as long it tastes like french bread :-)the recipe calls for 1 tablespoon of yeast. That was too yeasty for my taste, so I use 1- 1.5 teaspoons of yeast. Here is the link: . It seriously is so easy my 6 year old will soon be making it by himself! Enjoy!
I’m so glad the blog has been encouraging for you Elise 🙂 thanks for sharing your bread recipe
What a gorgeous apartment — you’d have to yank me out of there too if I were in your shoes! Moving is so stressful; being settled is such a nice feeling. Congratulations!
Oh my gosh! I LOVE this apartment! I think it’s perfect. I’m also really considering an Instapot and am definitely interested in seeing any other recipes you might share that you make in the future. I’m the same way with the Instapot…trying to figure out if it’s really going to be that much better than a slow cooker?? I use my slow cooker A TON, so if it cooks the same, but gets it done faster, I’m definitely in!
Thank you! I would say it cooks the same and get’s it done in about 10% of the time …I think you’ll like it 🙂
I’m right there with you with entering the New Year hectically. THIS TOO SHALL PASS. You’re new place is gorgeous!
Yes yes yes Kristen!
I am the same, I want to be settled in RIGHT now when my boyfriend feels it makes more sense to tale the time. I am like No!
I am curious as to how you decided on the area. I am moving into another flat next year and not sure what criteria. Do you feel you are in a quiet area while being close to everything?
haha I feel you
Well, it’s all relative so most of Boston felt quiet compared to New York City. The South End feels really quaint and neighborhood like for us. But it all depends on what you’re use to I think!
True! It sounds like the best of both worlds 🙂
well I can see why you’re in love with your apartment! it’s beautiful. Things will settle soon so don’t worry. I was wondering where you bought your rugs, particularly the living room and bedroom ones (Wayfair?). Same with your kitchen table? I wish I could buy it from you!
I’m sure you’ve received this recommendation already, but almost every one of my friends who lived/lives in Boston attended/attends Park Street Church. Just wanted to mention it in case you needed a church rec!
Hi Robyn!
I love to see how your new home is coming along. It looks so cosy and makes me want to visit Boston even more than I normally do..and I’ve been in love with the city for 11 years now so I know what I’m saying!
My dream is to hopefully come over to Boston(from Italy where I live) in 6 years to celebrate my qualifying as a licensed psychologist…and to have some fun before I start residency to become a child therapist.
I love reading your blog and following you in your journey. You are such a good role model to me and I’m so lucky to have met you. Wishing you the best for this year and in life.
Wow 700+ sq feet sounds cozy; I’m kind of used to our 7500 square foot house which still kind of feels really big; however I LOVE our bedroom because it feels cozy in such a big house.
I LOVE how you’ve made it so homey already Robyn; it’s so beautiful and organized. I love the colors and how warm the apartment looks.
I always appreciate your peaceful attitude even when things are chaotic Robyn; I’ll be praying for some restfulness and peace that will enable you to slow down and do some fun cooking and baking for your little family. Yet even in the chaos it’s amazing how Christ gives us that peace that passes all understanding.
Ahhh this apartment is adorable!! Jumping from apartment to apartment has made me so hesitant with my purchases because I had the SAME issue with my table! And I hear that last thought. Moving is EXHAUSTING. And messy. Looking forward to the rest of your 2018 posts!
Your apartment…dreamy! I love how open it is. And TWO bedrooms?! Amazing! I live in L.A. and that apartment would be quite the find. And I’m super impressed with how much you’ve already unpacked. Happy 2018! Love your blog and I’m excited for your Boston adventure.
What a gorgeous apartment. I’d definitely try to stick around there for a bit if it were me.
Hope life settles down a bit soon so you can feel more at home in the place!
I know how you feel about not feeling settled to start the new year! We just bought our first place and are currently between our old apartment and our new townhouse. Boxes everywhere and I have grocery shopped in about a month. I can’t wait for everything to settle down and get back into a routine but there is something exciting about big changes at the start of a new year. Congrats on your move to Boston! It’s one of my favorite cities
That apartment looks so beautiful! I’ve just moved myself and it’s been unsettling, to say the least.
I’ve been missing the familiarity of my old home and city, but I’ll soon make my own routine and network out here soon enough.
your new place looks great! I LOVE the floors!!
Hi, I’m a new reader and I’d like to thank you for this post. We didn’t move, but we’ve been doing major cleaning this week to prepare for a guest. Instead of feeling refreshed this New Year like everyone else seems to be, I feel like I’m way behind. I appreciate knowing that I’m not the only one who started the year feeling a little chaotic. Happy New Year and I look forward to reading more posts.
Beautiful apartment. Can I ask where you got your shoe rack and the coat hook/shelf by the front door? Thanks!
Your new place looks great! Especially that kitchen, so pretty! And your bedroom does look big – I’m surprised it’s only 750 sq ft!
For the living room, maybe you could move the TV to where the couch currently is and put the couch where that blue chair is? Or maybe switch your living and dining areas? Just thinking out loud so you don’t have to get rid of anything (though, if I lived in Boston, I would LOVE to take that table!).
The apartment looks so cute and cozy! Happy you and Nick are settled in and enjoying it!
Ahhhhh! Robyn, so cozy and adorable! So happy for y’all and hope you’re feeling settled and warm up in Boston! 😉
Your new Boston apartment is so so cute! Since I’m not in Boston, I can’t purchase your farmhouse table – but where’s it from? 🙂
I can’t get over how cozy and homey your apartment looks! It just seems like the perfect space for you two, and I love that there’s a fireplace, too! Hoping you’ll make tons of amazing memories in this space 🙂
Your apartment. Is. GORGEOUS! I am in love with the granite and white cabinets in the kitchen too and the updated bathroom. Living in a big city like Boston in a beautiful apartment – how dreamy!
LOVE your new space! It is so perfect – cozy, modern, and quintessential Boston. Hopefully you can enjoy a bit of unwinding and grounding now that you’re all settled in. Cheers to new beginnings!
Beautiful apartment! Wondering if this apartment is up for rent now. Can you share the property manager info?! Would love to see the availability.