I wasn’t planning on writing a post this week because we are moving Friday and I’m speaking on Monday in Atlanta at Chick-Fil-A so it’s very likely the fullest week I’ve had in a really, really long time…but I felt like I wanted to put some words out into the internet this morning so here we are.
It’s 6:29am on Tuesday morning and my apartment looks like it’s been ransacked. There is stuff everywhere. So I’m hiding out in our room because it’s the corner of our tiny apartment with the least amount of chaos typing away while laying in our bed. I’m someone who cannot function in clutter and mess, but this week (and for the next few weeks) this is reality. Cheers!
Packing up for this move feels easier than it did when we moved from New York to Boston even though we now have a baby. Even though we went from a one bedroom in NYC to a 2 bedroom here in Boston, this apartment is actually smaller and we’ve had a baby (which = more stuff) and so I’ve had to tightly manage what stuff comes into our apartment. Because of that, it just feels like overall we have less things? Maybe I’m hallucinating…
Because baby sleep over here is imploding. Like….he’s almost 11 months, but I actually have a newborn again and we are waking 2-3 (sometimes 4x) a night and on a good night he only nurses once and most nights we end up co-sleeping by 1 or 2am because I’m straight up tired. And then I’m like, “co-sleeping is the best ever!” while at the same time thinking, “this isn’t sustainable!” because I need a few moments in the morning to myself before he wakes for my sanity and right now that isn’t happening with us in the same bed. So, because I feel like the parenting equivalent to, “what do you do for a living?” is …”how is he sleeping?” that’s my response. I’m up more now that I was at 6 weeks and I’m convinced that the idea of babies consistently sleeping through the night by ____ months old is just a myth and babies will sleep through the night when they do. So, I’m throwing in the towel on trying to figure out this mystery and instead just going to pour another cup of coffee and roll with it. Caffeine, bless.
I walked into the shower with my AirPods still in yesterday. So there’s that.
I’m almost done with all the credentialing paperwork for my new job and that feels like a huge win because I’m not sure I can fill out one more form or call up Medicare one more time. And I’m feeling really excited to return to more regular NP work versus the per diem work I’ve been doing since Cal was born. The NPWH conference was really affirming for me that yes, I love this work and I’m ready to work outside the home a couple days a week. Feeling that affirmation has helped settle my nerves about leaving Cal.
If you’re moving or will ever move in the future…I was googling “how to making moving easier” because that’s what I google when trying to simplify my life…? and came across a tip that said to color code your boxes with colored tape and then put a piece of tape on the door frame or entryway of each room so the movers know exactly where to take each box. I thought it was genius!
I made this chicken chili in the instant pot last week and it was quite possibly one of the easiest recipes ever. When instant pot or slow cooker recipes require 20 minutes of chopping vegetables, I no longer consider that a quick & easy recipe. But this one only requires you to chop one onion and then you just dump in the remaining ingredients.
We walked up and down the streets of Beacon Hill on Saturday since it was a gorgeous fall day and every time I’m in that neighborhood I cannot get over the historical charm. I also think we are leaving Boston at worst time because fall here is pure magic.
Alright, it’s 6:56 now and I’m going to go pour a second cup of coffee, eat some breakfast and do something with the bags under my eyes. Share bits of your reality in the comments!
Hey there Robyn and Robyn-followers…
I just wanted to say how much I love your blog and appreciate the insight you give us into your life.
I was wondering if you follow any blogs on the internet (not facebook or instagram but real old school blogs) that you can recommend. I love reading about your life, your thoughts, intuitive eating… anything really that is relatable to women trying to be strong, loving and not afraid to show the good and messy.
Maybe someone knows something 🙂
I love Robyn’s blog! I also really love CarrotsnCake by Tina Haupert and HB Unfiltered by Heather Bergeron!
Peanut butter runner or peanut butter fingers are great to follow! Peanut butter runner has more eating and day in the life/weekly expertise posts
I find carrots n cake too heavily sponsored for my personal liking.
I there! I don’t mean to seem too self obsessed but I’m trying to run a quite old school blog about my life after moving to Ireland. Feel free to visit if you want!
Around 11-12 months, my baby was also getting up 2-4 times a night and I couldn’t believe that was my life. He never, before that, slept through the night, but it hadn’t been THAT bad.
At 12.5 months, I did old-fashioned cry-it-out and it worked in 2 days. There’s a lot to be said for that method!
Good luck with the move! We’ve done…7? of them and I know it’s a lot.
I’m RIGHT there with you. My son turned one last week and the past two months have been the worst sleep of his life (and mine…). It’s rough. It’s got to end sometime right??? Good luck with the move. And I agree Boston is incredible this time of year!
I feel you. My daughter will be 8 months on Friday and we somehow went from her sleeping from 8p-5a without nursing to her waking up 2-3x a night. I am a ZOMBIE. And I’m convinced that trying to figure out baby sleep issues (aka googling) just makes it even worse, haha
I’m sure you’ve already had this mentioned, but Taking Cara Babies is an amazing resource about baby sleep and her blog/Insta/programs helped us immensely! Good luck mama. Those wake ups are TOUGH
Hey Robyn! I love catching up on your coffee conversation posts, and your Daily Eats are great inspiration for me! I’m a stay-at-home mom to two boys, one is two and a half and one is 6 months old. The two-and-a-half-year-old is finally into a great sleeping and napping pattern but the six month old is all over the place… hang in there! And, Good luck with the move!
Hey Robyn!! Have you considered hiring a sleep consultant? I’m sure you’ve had that suggested to you before, but we did and it was the best money we ever spent – with hardly any crying! I went from being up 4+ times per night to one night time feed and it’s been so good not only for my little guy, but for me to feel more rested too! I highly recommend if you can. It’s a bit of a financial investment, but honestly, what is your sanity and health worth? That’s how I justified it 🙂
I love reading your posts because they always resonate with exactly what I’m going through! You literally take the words right out of my mouth. My daughter just turned 6 mo and her sleep is the worst it has ever been. I don’t want to scare you, but she went from 1-2x a night to 4-6x after we moved a month ago. They know! Last night was our worst, yet. I think the only sleep I got was when I co-slept on accident. She was up EVERY hour. I finally broke down and purchased the Taking Cara Babies course, even though I’m totally not game for crying it out. Her method seems to be very, very gentle and loving (and I’m all for that). Anyways, something to think about! Just know, you’re definitely not the only mama up during those wee hours in the night. 🙂 It truly is the newborn stage all over again, maybe even worse!
Two words … sleep consultant! It felt silly at the time but turned out to be the best money I ever spent. Baby sleep is SO CONFUSING and with all the conflicting info out there sometimes it just helps to have someone tell you exactly what to do. Coming from the mother of a child who was up 5-6x a night, after working with a sleep consultant she has been an incredible sleeper for the last 3 years!! She falls asleep on her own in her own bed and wakes up 10-12 hours later – through sleep training we taught her an invaluable skill that has been so essential to our sanity as parents. 🙂
Oh bless you! My daughter didn’t sleep through the night until she was 14 months (she’s 19 months now) so I feel you! I finally caved and turns out she would only cry for like a minute or two as she was switching between sleep cycles 🤦🏼♀️ If only I had known it’d be that easy. I can tell you it does get better and you will feel human again and not feel like you’re just fragments of yourself. As far as working, in my opinion working a day or two has been recharging and makes me a better mama.
Whoa, I can relate! I don’t have a baby, but I’m moving out of home for the first time, from our little city (Canberra) to Sydney. I’ll be living on my own for the first time, and starting my first full-time job and I honestly don’t know whether I’m standing on my head or my heels. The last few weeks have been utter chaos, trying to find accommodation (a share house for me!), get all my stuff together, buy furniture and tie up loose ends here before I go. I leave tomorrow and start work on Monday so my reality is swinging between zombie-like confusion and epic stress, all while feeling guilty for letting these last few days with my parents and without a 9-5 job slip by. So I guess I’m just saying I feel you, and I’m sending all my best wishes and prayers your way!
Good luck with the move!!! Also you are making me want an instant pot 🙂
I cannot believe I’ve just found your site. It’s perfect! Thank you for every post, I can’t stop reading!
With my 14 month old I have just determined that EVERYTHING related to sleep is a 2-3 week phase. Sleeping well? Don’t count on it lasting longer than 3 weeks. Horrible sleep? 3 weeks before that changes. Between teething, colds, stuffy noses, and just toddler weirdness, there is no constant for us with sleep. That’s okay…that’s why God gave moms coffee!
Oh, the thing about moving. I hope I won’t have to do it in a while or that we’ll have our stuff enough organised so that it’ll be easier. We moved abroad about a year ago and gosh, how stressful. We had black or white tapes on our boxes, because we were moving some of them to our rental house and some to a storage unit. That was extremely helpful, actually.