I’ve been really quiet (as in, almost silent) in this space over the past few months. Partly because I don’t have the time to write like I used to, but mainly because I don’t really feel inspired to write. And between motherhood and working a couple days a week as an NP, I just don’t have the time. And my brain feels really muddled and mushy and the antithesis of creative.
Since Cal’s birth 16 months ago, I’ve been in this funky space of figuring out what motherhood + career looks like. But even more than that, in a space of discerning what my heart is leading me towards versus what the world is telling me to do. And discerning that has been really hard. I’m an emotional decision maker, which can make navigating these murky waters even more difficult. I really enjoy clinical work – collaborating with the providers I work alongside, being challenged intellectually and the overall non-creative nature of clinical work. I love research, physical exam, interpreting labs/tests and patient education. But if I’m honest, it kills me to be away from Cal those 2 days I’m in clinic. I’ve been surprised with how much I genuinely enjoy motherhood and being at home. I know I sit in the minority here as many women are mentally & emotionally healthier and their families/marriages are healthier when they work out of the home to some extent. So I share this solely as my experience as I know motherhood & career is such tender territory.
As I’ve sat pondering what this feeling is, I can’t put my finger on guilt. We have a wonderful nanny, Cal is so loved and I know that he can be loved and cared for by other people than just me. I think rather, what I feel is an unsettledness. I feel like my heart & soul are more at peace when I’m at home, but also in healthcare, you can’t just completely leave the profession and expect to effortlessly come back years later. I’ve read it’s harder to do that than be a new grad. Yikes. So I’m sitting in this place of allowing myself the opportunity to work. To have an open mind & heart. And to see what path God leads me down. Sitting in uncertainty is hard.
Along with that uncertainty, I have also started to put my finger on why I’m feeling so uninspired here. For almost 7 years I wrote about intuitive eating, body image, women’s health and eating disorders. And then I had Caleb, became a mama and my entire life and identity shifted. A messy, yet beautiful transformation of sorts. And with that came a new wave of professional interest. In my heart, I knew it was time to step away from eating disorder work which I wrote about here. And that has been really good for me. Not because I didn’t love and enjoy the work, but it was time to see that chapter close. But now, I find myself in this space of wanting to write and share about motherhood, pregnancy, postpartum, breastfeeding, fertility, etc – which I do some because I continue to love women’s health – but feel like I “can’t” because “this is an intuitive eating, eating disorder, body image, women’s health” space. I feel like I can’t move away from that because my audience (which I am so grateful for – seriously, thank you for being here!) has come to find that content most valuable.
As I pondered this, I realized if I gave myself permission to write more about what I want to write about versus what I think I should write about I would actually write more. Shocker. We all go through huge life changes that transform us and shape the next season of our lives, career, and relationships. I think that’s what I’m currently trying to navigate. My desire isn’t for this to be a personal diary or lifestyle blog. I enjoy sharing my thoughts and tidbits here and there, but I don’t desire to share much of our personal lives. That’s just what feels right for me. But I do desire to share more relatable posts on motherhood and all the things that come along with making, growing, nourishing and raising tiny humans.
So that’s a longwinded way to share that you might see a shift in content here. I still want to write about women’s health (PCOS, fertility, periods, endometriosis, etc) but I also want to write more about these things on my heart & mind. I know for some of you that will be disappointing (that held me back for so long, but I realize I cannot be everything for everyone) and that I will lose people along the way. But I also know many of you have been asking for more of this content and there will be new faces to enjoy the shift in content too. Wherever you stand, thank you for reading and for being so supportive over the years. The internet can be a pretty cool place!
Other Big Changes Around Here
Baby boy #2 is due to arrive sometime in mid July. We are so grateful! The past 5 months have encompassed the biggest transition of my life which has resulted in lots of tears mingled with joy. We found out I was pregnant two days before we moved to Charlottesville. The move was a huge transition after living in big cities for six years. Then I started a new job and we had to find childcare for the first time for Cal (I was per diem while we lived in Boston so did mostly nights and weekends) and on top of that I physically, well….awful. Pregnancy is such a gift, that will never be lost on me, but it was a challenging end to 2019. I was an emotional ROLLER COASTER.
These are all positive changes, but the combination of it all really threw me for a loop. I knew the shift from city to small town would be drastic, but I think I underestimated it since I tend to be a “it’s all gonna be great!” kind of person, but that isn’t always tethered to reality. I felt so unlike myself. So lost. So doubtful of the decision to move and go back to work more than per diem because I was so anxious about being away from Cal. I felt like a crap mom because my energy to care for a 10/11/12 month old was at zero. There were days I would lay on our couch and just watch him play all over the living room. Pregnancy + infant/toddlerhood is no joke! But then January came and I emerged from the first trimester and was settling into work and we were settling into the slower pace here, found a church + community group, started a supper club with friends and the fog started to lift. Moving through that season taught me so much.
Fertility and pregnancy are fragile ground. With Cal now in this world, I can understand more (but certainly not fully) the intense grief that can surround pregnancy and babies for many women. Although infertility is not part of my story yet, please know I am thinking of you. I have close family & friends walking this hard road now, know you’re not alone. If you’re waiting for a baby, I see you. And I’m praying for you and sending you so much love. My hope for the content I do share about pregnancy here is that is empowers and educates other women. If pregnancy content is triggering for you, know that it’s okay to skip over the rest of this post and do what you need to do to care for yourself.
I had my first postpartum period at the end of September when Cal was 9 1/2 months. I want to write a longer post on breastfeeding & conceiving after doing a good bit of research and expand on this, but in order for me to get my period back while still breastfeeding day and night I first cut out any and all exercise. I was doing a couple 30 minute barre3 videos a week and then a long bike ride or light jog on the weekend so it didn’t seem like too much, but to make sure I was doing everything I could I stopped. I also stopped pumping at night before I went to bed and just fed Cal on demand. With my 10 year history of hypothalamic amenorrhea I knew my chances of nursing & simultaneously menstruating, according to the research, weren’t high (around 20%) but I was willing to do anything because 1) we wanted our kids close in age and 2) neither me or Cal were ready for nursing to be over.
In addition to stopping exercise and pumping, I tried to be extra intentional about responding to and staying on top of hunger cues – something that wasn’t an issue before motherhood, but then a little person’s needs start to take precedence over your own. I made all these changes and within maybe a month or so my period returned. I was shocked. But also so overwhelmed with appreciation for my body. With a long history of missing periods, the past 4-5 years have been so healing for me and seeing my body menstruate and at the same time breastfeed was another layer of healing. I am not a woman who can exercise and breastfeed and get a period. I know some women get their periods back within a few months postpartum and are exclusively nursing. We all have different thresholds. This was mine. We were able to get pregnant my next cycle in October. I’ll share more of the research and what I’ve learned in a future post if that sounds helpful for you.
I am still nursing Caleb at 16 months old. I scoured the internet for information on nursing while pregnant and also read LLL’s, Adventures in Tandem Nursing in like 2 days. I am thankful for my breastfeeding journey so far. It’s had some bumps, but overall has been very positive. I think some huge factors for me (that are actually in my control because genetics, anatomy, etc are often not) have been not working full time (I think the burden of pumping and working FT has to be so hard!) eating a lot of food and drinking a lot of water, and saying no to more intense exercise (like running longer distances) that I truly enjoy.
Pregnancy changes the taste of your milk – it becomes less sweet and more salty due to a decrease in lactose and increase in sodium. Cal didn’t seem to mind lol. And my supply kept up until the 13/14 week mark, but after that there was no amount of food, rest, hydration, pumping, frequency of nursing etc that would keep it up. Pregnancy hormones work against milk supply in pregnancy. I know for some mamas, their supply never changes, but for most it does. When my supply initially dropped, he had just turned one so that was relieving to me that we had reached that milestone and he didn’t necessarily need breastmilk.
I would love to nurse him until age 2. The World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding until age 2 and beyond, but I feel like I get asked all the time when I’m going to wean him, which isn’t my favorite question. Now at 27 weeks pregnant, I’m not producing much (like maybe he gets a few ounces a day?) and a lot of his nursing is comfort nursing. It was sad for me to see my milk supply dwindle, but I’m just glad he’s still on the boob! And hoping my colostrum comes in soon (it came in around week 30/31 last time) and he’s into the taste of that lol. For me and him, breastfeeding is still working. If at any point it stops working for either of us, I think weaning would take place. I’d love to tandem nurse. I know that’s not the cultural norm or everyone’s desire, but I’m saying it here so maybe someone reading feels less crazy 🙂
So we are nursing some, he’s drinking frozen breastmilk I still have and also drinking some Ripple pea milk which he loves. With his cow’s milk protein allergy, I’m thankful for fortified pea milk which has a similar profile to cow’s milk. I’d give him soy milk but there can be some cross-reactivity with the cow’s milk protein allergy.
I’m finding this pregnancy much harder on me physically. I was way more active (mostly long walks and barre3 online 4-5x a week) when I was pregnant with Cal, but man I feel way more physically taxed this time around! Chasing and picking up/carrying a 22 lb toddler has been really hard on my lower back and pelvic area. There are days when I need complete rest and minimal movement. Most days though, we are walking around town 2-3 miles and after not exercising really at all for the first 13-14 weeks I’m trying to do 10-30 minutes of Barre3 or the 15 minute MommaStrong videos (which, I am LOVING and highly recommend) 3-4x a week. Structured exercise is not a priority in my life right now, but I could feel the toll not doing anything was taking on my joints and body overall. Doing a 10, 15 or 30 minute video a few times a week at home is realistic for me right now. I’m also trying to do 5-10 minutes of bedtime prenatal yoga, especially for my lower back, before I get in bed at night and that helps so so much. Exercise is purely for function which has lended a whole new appreciation and care for my body.
Most women who are low risk give birth at Martha Jefferson Hospital here in Charlottesville – if they choose hospital birth. Apparently it’s very bougie and spa-like which sounds dreamy. I love the idea of a birth center with midwives, but my nurse brain just feels safest in a hospital with all the necessary people and equipment around should the worst case scenario arise. I know for many women, a hospital brings anxiety, but for me it brings peace of mind. ***edited: I wrote this before COVID-19 really took off – right now we are still planning on a hospital birth, but I’m holding all birth plans loosely.
I had Cal at Brigham and Women’s in Boston, which provides care for many high risk pregnant women, but we had an awesome, incredible experience there and I loved my OBGYN group. For me, I like knowing if the worst of the worst happens, we are in the right place. Given that, I’ve decided to have this baby at UVA Medical Center (the place to be in VA if something goes horribly wrong and very close to our house) since they have an awesome midwifery group that has transformed obstetrics there over the past 5 years. So I feel like I’m kind of getting the best of both worlds for me – peace of mind of a hospital, but the low intervention care of a midwife. So far it’s been great!
I started seeing a prenatal chiropractor around 20ish weeks who was highly recommended in Cville, but we did not vibe at all. I didn’t find any physical relief and she went on a rant about how I should eat zero sugar because it causes muscle inflammation, which I disagree with. I saw a chiro in Indy starting at 28 weeks with Cal (we were in Indy at the time) due to awful costochondritis and it was life changing. I was a chiro-skeptic-turned-convert after that. And then I continued seeing a wonderful chiro back in Boston up until his birth. I don’t think all chiros are created equal (just like any healthcare provider) but if you find a good one they are GOLD. Just this week I felt my costochondritis symptoms come on that I had with Cal (I carry babies so high so they chill up in my rib cage) and despite COVID, got an appointment with the same chiro since we are in Indy this week. I cannot go back to that pain – it was completely debilitating. I so wish I could take this man back to Cville with me because he is so helpful! Lots of myofascial release, some adjustments and at home PT exercises and I already feel so much better. The Spinning Babies daily essentials, when I can do them, have also been helpful.
I caved and got a pregnancy pillow this time around and that has also helped with the back pain. Cal is co-sleeping with us most nights for the last 2-4 hours of his night time sleep and I was not positioned well doing that because the pillows I’d place between my hips and behind my back would get lost in bed. My hips and back were killing me in the morning! The pillow, although big and obnoxious, has been the best thing. Highly recommend if you have the space. This is the one I bought which was on the lower price range at $40.
I’m taking a different prenatal this go around because with Cal’s dairy allergy and me still nursing I’m not eating dairy and can’t pay attention to nutrition as much (convenience wins) and want to make sure I have my bases really covered – essentially, I needed a bigger insurance policy lol. I also am more tired this go around so wanted to make sure I was getting more than enough iron. I took Vitamin Code’s raw prenatal for all of Cal’s pregnancy and loved it. It’s got a good amount of Vitamin D, folate, Vit A and selenium, includes a probiotic blend and is food based. But it only has 18mg of iron (RDA for pregnant women is 27-48mg) and is lower on some other nutrients vs other prenatals. I still recommend it (I also like New Chapter’s Perfect Prenatal and Mega Food Baby & Me 2) but I’m now taking Thorne Research’s Basic Prenatal which has 45mg of iron and the folate and B vitamins are methylated so they are already ready to be absorbed and utilized right away by the body. Mega Food also uses methylated folate and B Vitamins, it’s just lower in iron and far more expensive, but it does include choline! I didn’t know much about the importance of choline in my first pregnancy – it’s important for brain development in baby. The RDA in pregnancy is 450mg. One egg is a great source of choline at 150mg/egg so I’ve been aiming to eat 2 eggs a day and then I’m likely getting the remainder of what I need through other foods. In addition to the prenatal and eggs, I’m taking Nordic Naturals prenatal DHA daily.
I’m entering into the third trimester, and while I could use some more sleep, I am so grateful to be carrying another healthy baby. The gift of another pregnancy is not lost on me. This go around is teaching me how to let the little things go (like the laundry on the floor) and instead rest when I need to and soak up these final weeks with just me and Cal. I feel a wild mix of emotions about our time as just the two of us coming to a close. Thank you for coming along for another season with me. You guys really are the best!
**I’ll leave links here to the posts I’ve written on body image & pregnancy and intuitive eating & pregnancy I wrote when pregnant with Cal since I get emails and messages quite often on these two topics – I hope they encourage you <3
Congrats on baby #2. I have two boys who are 5 and 3 and it is wild. They love each other so much and I enjoy watching their relationship grow.
I also love that you are transitioning to more motherhood content. I started following you many years ago when I was sick with anorexia. Your content at that time was so incredibly helpful. I think yours was the first blog I really connected with that helped me in my recovery. Thank you for that. I’m excited to see what this space becomes. Best of luck to you!
Thanks Amy <3
I love reading about motherhood despite not having a baby myself. I started reading when I was struggling with an ED and I bet a lot of your readers are like me in that it began that way but our lives have changed as well and content other than recovery and intuitive eating are an interest to me now. Your life has shifted and I’m sure the lives of your readers have too. Follow your heart and write about what you’re passionate about. That comes through in your writing and ultimately that is what your readers want to see.
Congratulations on baby #2!
I absolutely agree with this! I’ve been reading your blog for about 7 years now and it really helped me through my ED, body image and intuitive eating. I’m now 34 and in a different place in my life (about to be married and thinking about babies) so I think the shift in content is wonderful and if it feels more authentic and fulfilling to you right now, then go for it! 🙂 Congrats Robyn!
<3 Thanks Kate!
I came here to say the same thing! I imagine a lot of your audience has grown up with you and many of us are starting to care about motherhood type posts more than we would have 5 years ago. It seems like a natural shift that a good portion of your audience could resonate with….not everyone of course, but it’s your blog!
Congrats on baby boy #2!
I had never really thought of my audience growing with me, but it makes SO much sense and has been so cool to read that it would be a helpful and rather organic shift. Thank you for sharing!!
I agree as well! Started reading way back in probably 2014 or so and your posts at the time helped more than you probably even know. Fast forward to now and I’m thinking more about motherhood, general women’s health, etc. We’re right here with you. You do you. Congrats on baby #2. 🙂
I was just going to comment the same thing. Your audience is growing with you, so our needs and interests have changed as well! Still always love reading your content
Thank you for the encouragement Laura and for reading for so long – it means so much!
Congratulations, Robyn!! What an exciting announcement <3. I'm looking forward to your new content!
Congratulations!! So very exciting. I have two little boys and am so grateful for the bond they will continue to develop! I’ve read your blog for years and I’m totally here for the new content! (Truly, I’ve enjoyed your posts consistently since I started reading). Thanks for sharing with all of us here 🙂
I delivered at UVA with both my boys (ages 2 and 4) and had a wonderful experience! I also went to that pregnancy chiropractor you mentioned and had the same sugar conversation haha!
I started following you years ago because of intuitive eating and PCOS. I was so happy to see you moved here! Best of luck with the rest of your pregnancy, as a mother of young children I know I will appreciate your shift in content.
What is the deal?! I had such high hopes. It just felt like such a negative and unhelpful conversation to have with a hormonal pregnant lady lol. Glad to know your UVA experience was positive. Thanks for sharing Autumn!
I have a 9 month old, am still breastfeeding and would welcome any content on the return of period postpartum. Also I love everything you’re writing about becoming a mom of two. Thank you for sharing!
Same!! A six month old here and we would love another soon!
I hope you choose to keep writing and go with your inkling for motherhood/pregnancy/breastfeeding content I’d be soooo happy! Congrats on baby # 2 that is sooo exciting.
Robyn your blog has literally been the most healing space for me in regards to body image and intuitive eating, but I’m so here for all the knowledge and content you’re willing to share!! I’m super single and not near motherhood, but I love reading about your experience in motherhood and the hope you give others by sharing your story with HA and now (almost 🙂 )having 2 little guys! Also as a dietetic intern, it’s really cool to see your interest/priorities shift in your different seasons of life and that your career can reflect that. You have a gift for writing and I’m so so thankful you continue to share your wisdom with your readers! I’m very thankful for your heart for women’s health (whatever that looks like in this season!) and praying for the remainder of your pregnancy!
It’s awesome to see that even those not in the same season of life can still enjoy the shift in content too. I’ve always enjoyed reading about birth/motherhood before being a mama myself. Thank you for your kind words and prayers <3
This speaks to me so much. I have an 8-month-old boy who is army crawling everywhere. I’m exhausted, but really want to have two kids close together. It’s hard to imagine handling a small toddler and a newborn, but I really don’t want to space them out if it’s possible. On top of that, I have a history of anorexia and am struggling to put on weight I essentially lost while pregnant (lost, in the sense that I only put on 8 pounds while pregnant and ended up much below my prepregnancy weight after giving birth). The mental battle of eating and weight gain has been hard, but I know that If I want to get pregnant in the near future something has to change. These thoughts have been swirling around a lot. I’m looking forward to your posts on motherhood and I say write what compels you to write! You don’t have to be for everyone, and know that you have helped and inspired so many 🙂
I’m thinking of you Hillary <3 ED recovery is so tough. Know you deserve all the support you need. Love to you!
My first son was born 2 months before Cal and now I’m pregnant again with another boy due 7/21, so I’m right there with you!! I love this post and look forward to following along.
Congrats Sara!
Congrats to you and your family on this thrilling journey!
Like a few people already mentioned, I have been reading your blog and following you for quite some time. I’m an RD myself and worked previously in the ED/intuitive eating/body image space. I too felt I needed to close that chapter of my career and yearned to do something different. Additionally, I’m now at an age where my husband and I are thinking about kids.
Regardless, I love reading about the health/science/nutrition side of conception/motherhood/babies to keep my knowledge up career-wise but also because it’s simply just fascinating. So I’m so grateful for your shift in content. Everything you do has always felt so authentic and this feels like such a natural shift for you in regards to content. I can’t wait to read more and I hope you feel encouraged to put out whatever you want, whenever you want.
Congrats, Robyn! I have a 7 month old and am exclusively pumping. I’d love to conceive again in the near future and have been meaning to do research our the return of fertility. I look forward to your upcoming content! God bless you!
so much respect for you EPing Lily!
Congratulations on baby #2!! Ive been a long time follower of your blog. Its so interesting to hear your thoughts on motherhood and career. I am a nurse, while I LOVED being a nurse I had such a heart pull when I had my first child. I worked per diem after my sons birth until I became pregnant with my daughter. Oh so many emotions but I chose to stay home after my second child’s birth and wouldn’t change a thing. Ive heard so many things from friends and family on my decision at that time, but I did what was best for us. Its def such a personal decision. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and best wishes to you. I look forward to continue to follow along on our journey!
So helpful to hear you’ve made a huge life shift after baby 2 and have lots of peace about it. I’m so happy for you for following your heart <3 Hugs to you!
I started reading your blog about 6-7 years ago during a time when I was at the lowest of my eating disorder. Your content & vulnerability has been so healing & encouraging for me, even now years later.
I’m newly married and hoping to start a family in the next few years & have loved reading all of your pregnancy & motherhood posts and am excited to read and know more! I love educating myself on this content as much as I can because I pretty much know nothing 🤓
I hope these comments are encouraging for you – I respect you for following your heart in wanting to write and share more of what you’re passionate about. We’re with you!!
And congrats on baby boy #2!!
Hey Robyn, just want to say I really relate to your feelings around your business changing and not being sure what God is calling you to do in this next phase of business and life and motherhood. After teaching Intuitive Eating / Body Image work for so long, I also felt like that chapter had to close and morph into something new. I get all of the complicated feelings that come with that.
I also want to let you know that I would personally love to hear more about fertility / pregnancy / motherhood as I move into that phase in my life, too. You may lose some people, but you’ll also gain, and it’s OKAY to change. xoxo!
Man, so many feelings around it. I’m glad I’m not alone. But like you said, you just feel it when the passion/pull is no longer there in a certain area. You will be an incredible mama one day! xx
This makes me so happy! Congrats, Robyn! I’m a long time reader. I honestly don’t even remember what brought me to your blog. I haven’t suffered from an ED, menstrual issues, etc. I love your writing style and heart for the Lord. I am a mama and will look forward to new content.
I’m a newish follower who also happens to be pregnant and due this summer (with my 1st, and we live in Boston!) so I’m actually looking forward to the shift in content. Congrats!
Oh man we miss Boston! Congrats to you!
Congrats mama! and Thank you for sharing. I have missed your writing and blog. You have been here so long that I bet many of your readers, like me, have moved into different chapters of life too. I found your blog as aED recovery blog and now am in my own season of mothering a baby and pregnancy etc and would be thrilled for content on those topics to become more regular in this space!
Thank you again!
Congratulations Robyn! I am a long time reader and always appreciate the authenticity you bring to your blog posts. I am really looking forward to learning more about conception, breastfeeding, post-partum, motherhood etc. Wishing you and your family all the best as you navigate these exciting times!
Congratulations Robyn!
I’ve loved following your content for years and continue to now that we are in the same season of life. I have a 21 month old and am pregnant with baby #2 due in September. We share the same sentiments around motherhood and enjoying being home with our little ones. Thank you for sharing so candidly and thank you for linking to the resources you’ve been using and loving while pregnant! Look forward to following along in whatever way feels right for you and your family going forward!
P.S. I’m also still breastfeeding and due to HG lost my supply early on. I’ve been nursing her for comfort and closeness, but man does it hurt my nipples so bad!!
I hear you on nipple soreness! It was the worst during the first tri but has gotten much better. These babies 🙂
Kylie Mitchell wrote on her blog today, “How gracefully do you let go of things that aren’t meant for you?” That was really convicting to me. I see you “giving up” things of lesser importance right now in a gracious way, and I admire that. If the Spirit is leading you to just be a momma and you can, do it! Nursing will be there later. My mom gave up her career to raise my siblings and I, and I am 100% convinced that greatly impacted who we are.
Thanks for who you are and what you do. Keep doing you. As you shift to new areas, that may also give opportunities to others. You’ve made space for important discussions and that space remains, even as you open up new space for new things.
Oh I love that question. That Kylie, so wise. It’s so encouraging to hear how you feel you were affected by your mom shifting her time to the home. What a gift to you!
Congratulations on your pregnancy, dear Robyn!! So very happy for you and your precious, growing family. I’m keeping you and your family in my prayers during this season, mama. You are a light in our community. Take good care!
Congratulations, Robyn! Very happy for you – as someone who has read since your original Charlottesville days and is now in my own first pregnancy I am also very excited to see the content transition, it feels very aligned with my own life 🙂 I have PCOS and dealt with infertility and am now struggling quite a bit with eating intuitively in pregnancy while also being mindful of my increased risk for gestational diabetes – if you ever want to share anything around that it would be something I’m interested in! Also your general thoughts on being pregnant during a pandemic, because that’s definitely an unexpected hurdle here!
I posted so helpful resources to IG stories today Emily that I hope empower & inform you. All the pregnant mamas during this time will look back and think “we did that.” you’re not alone! and know I”m thinking of you and we will make it through. xx
Congratulations!! I’m going to keep following you no matter what you write about :). And as a mom of 2 who is trying to conceive a 3rd, I’m excited about the content change. But even if I wasn’t in this place, I’d still be excited to read. Congrats again!
Aw, thanks Susie <3
Congratulations!! I’m so excited for you and praying for the remainder of your pregnancy. Like most of your readers commenting I started reading your blog a few years ago when I was trying to recover from restricted eating/binging cycle and your blog resonated so much with me. But I’ve been recovered for probably 2 years now and as a new mom to my little boy am so excited any information you want to share about motherhood/conception/pregnancy/career….You do have a gift for writing and I look forward to reading whatever it is you have pm your heart!
Congratulations Robyn and thank you for sharing this post. I have been following you for many years and so much of what you say, and your experiences, continue to resonate with me. We moved from London (home) to Auckland, NZ 7 years ago. When my daughter was 6 months old (she’s 2 next month) we moved to a small coastal town in NZ. So these shifts and my pregnancy, and my breastfeeding journey have echoed some of your experiences. Like you, since pregnancy, I have a huge interest in pre and post natal care, pregnancy, fertility… I continue to work in not for profit fundraising which I have done since university but dream of finding ways to move into a field that supports women on their motherhood journey. I set up a branch of a charity – as a volunteer – here in my town which provides meals to mums to young children struggling to get dinner on the table, or to families with young children struggling with illness. It launched in March. Now I dream of other things I can do… maybe birth photography or doula work. Lastly, we keep discussing the possibility of a sibling for my girl but after a tough first year with her (no family support in NZ and a lot of anxiety) it fills me with nerves! Anyway, in a longboard winded way I’m trying to say that maybe other followers of your blog will be travelling life alongside you and will welcome the different content with open arms. Looking forward to it 🙂
Robyn, firstly, congratulations! So happy for you and Nick and Cal. I know the journey is marked with all the emotions but just want to celebrate the joy that will be this little boy and your new family of 4. You will raise him to be a man of Truth and Life and Joy in the Lord – and that is beautiful.
Also, just want to add to all of the other comments and say that I am so excited for the content you’re posting/will post. Someone else said it, but though I’m not in motherhood rn, having had an ED and recovered, I am very excited for this stage of life and I think additionally, new content gives women who are either on the ED healing journey or healed something besides IE info to focus on and look forward to or think about. I am excited for this new sort of learning and know others are too. We just appreciate, YOU, Robyn.
Thanks for everything you do and leading with compassion and truth.
Peace to you guys 🙂
Thank you Bekah <3
I am SO excited for you and to watch you transform this space. I am absolutely interested in hearing about your journey so far with exercise, nursing, feeding, fertility – ALL OF IT! I’m totally here for it and 100% support you writing more about what is aligned with your heart. Can’t wait <3
Congratulations! Such lovely news. I’d love to read more about all things babies and look forward to reading your posts whatever the subject.
Robyn, YAY! Oh my gosh, congrats. This is so exciting. It sounds like you’re caring for yourself and figuring out what you need in this season. That is not easy, so way to go, momma! It’s always a privilege to hear from you. And (like so many are saying), your readers have shifted too. I actually prefer the motherhood reflections over the other things because that’s where I”m at right now. So, keep sharing what’s on your heart. We love hearing about it! It’s also super helpful to hear what you’re doing in your pregnancy as our babies seems to line up well & it gives me permission I didn’ t know I needed sometimes.
It’s been so encouraging to hear you all have shifted too. And it means so much the motherhood content has freed you up. It is such a journey <3
Congratulations! What a blessing! Thank you for sticking with your passion and not trying to stay in one “mould.” Truthfully, I would still follow along if you decided to switch to a design blog simply because you’re writing style is beautiful when you’re passionate about the topic. I started years ago with reading because I needed to see what “normal” eating looked like and have grown with you into motherhood and all the complex blessings that comes with. I’m thrilled to keep growing along with you on this journey and can’t wait to read whatever you decide to share with us next. God bless you!
I love that we’ve grown together Savanna <3
Congratulations on your pregnancy of baby boy! My first two are boys and it is so fun and funny to be a boy mom. (have three boys and a girl, she’s in the middle). I breastfed my kiddos beyond two years because it worked for me and the babies. We did a natural weaning and it worked well. I take that back, baby #4 could have probably nursed forever! I also use Thorne Research supplements and do so well with them! I enjoy your blog posts and the variety of topics. Even if a post isn’t directly related to my circumstance, it’s still interesting to read. As a former OB/GYN nurse (hospital and clinic) I enjoy all articles, blogs, research on women’s health. Plus, now that I am 50 years old and in that oh so lovely phase it is nice to have a diversion from all things menopause. So what I’m saying is to write about what you want to and feel like and not worry about whether you’re pleasing *everyone.* Many of us are here to stay because you provide great information with a nice touch. Sending you all the mama juju as you navigate a growing family
Kelly thank you for your comment! I appreciate your wisdom so much as someone who has walked before me. Hahaha I joke Cal would crawl back up into my uterus so I love baby #4 🙂
Your words are so beautiful and resonate so much with me. Thank you for sharing. Xo
Congrats on baby #2!! Similar to what a few others have commented, I started reading your blog years ago when I was going through an eating disorder/HA, but now am also in a different life stage with a 12 month old son. I would love more motherhood content, especially coming from someone with your background so there is no diet talk sprinkled in. Hope to continue seeing great posts like this from you!
Congratulations! I’m so happy for you. I am due with my first in early June. Your blog has always been so inspiring, and I’ve been reading it for 6ish years now. I was interested in becoming an RD when I initially started following, and love reading about nutrition, food, and running. Reading about your motherhood journey has been so facinating and given me a lot to think about. Looking forward to the new content very much!
Thank you so much for being such a loyal reader Ann. Means so much!
Congrats on baby #2! I’ve been reading for years, and your blog was, without a doubt, one of the main factors in my recovery from HA. Though I’m single and not having kids any time soon, I’ll still happily read along. I appreciate your perspective and your writing, and I completely understand why your heart has shifted!
Congrats on your growing family! I am happy to see content about pregnancy, motherhood etc. because I’ve shifted from having an eating disorder to embracing my womanhood and reading the comments I’m not the only one 😉
I love hearing from you whatever you post but so far the content (and the future content) are really up my alley 😉
Be safe and enjoy the springtime!
Congratulations Robyn! I’m not married, don’t have children and am not planning on having any either. But the shift in your content is not going to chase me away – I still find your blog so informative, educational and overall fun to read! So I’m here for any and all changes!
Wow…how exciting!! I had to smile when I saw the post picture!
I wanted to encourage you with a thought I had, and I hope it’s not a ramble 😉
I enjoy every post you put up and I respect the time you have to post it. You have a life too that you have to enjoy. And I think one of the beautiful things about healthcare is that your interests can change so quickly, whether that’s an elderly patient who touched your heart, or the acuity of ER, or even the sterility of OR. Whatever God leads you to write about, it’ll be from the heart!
Congratulations on baby number 2! And please continue writing and sharing your musings on motherhood, pregnancy, postpartum etc – I have been an avid follower of you and your blog for years back when I was in the throes of HA and attempting to recover and then getting pregnant and giving birth, it is nice to have a space where other women share their journeys or thoughts on the shift we go through when we become mothers so I’m all for your change of pace on the blog! Stay safe and healthy x
Congratulations! Would you consider a post on nutrition when you are planning to try for a baby?
That’s something I work more 1:1 with clients with but I posted a bit about this on IG yesterday!
Loved reading this! Just like everyone else – I grew up right along-side you! I started reading at the height of my ED back in 2013 and recovered with you, got pregnant a little before you, and love to read about your experience 🙂
Oh this has been such a joy to watch you walk both journeys of pregnancy. <3. Thank you for your sensitivity and love in addressing infertility too.
thereallife-rd is literally the BEST weight loss community anywhere. I read it every day, and I’m so grateful I found http://tiny.cc/2eueoz, it helped me not only lose weight but keep it off, hope it helps some others!)
The Real Life is literally the BEST weight loss community anywhere. I read it every day. And I am also so grateful I found https://tinyurl.com/customsdiet .It helped me not only lose weight but keep it off, hope it helps some others!
Thanks for sharing your story Robyn!! I think our sons were born around the same time as mine is currently 19 months old and we are hoping to get pregnant soon. I’ve been taking the mini pill and just stopped a week or so ago. Had my period and have been waiting for the egg whites! lol. I remember that happening so vividly with my first. My period didn’t return until Ben was 14 months old but I was on the mini pill. We are still breastfeeding, I don’t pump anymore, and I’m praying that pregnancy doesn’t drastically drop my supply because I still love our nursing sessions. Can’t wait to see pics of your new baby boy 🙂
Nice forum! Yeah…this method really help you… try! https://bit.ly/3f2LUZq
It’s really work!!!
Balance between work and family is necessary for everyone. We need to focus on this way.
The thrill of being an impostor in Among Us is unmatched. The challenge of executing sabotages and eliminations while avoiding suspicion is exhilarating. It’s a test of both strategy and bluffing that adds a unique dimension to the gameplay.
Balancing motherhood and a career while thinking about having another baby can feel like a challenging game of strategy. Just like playing crazy games it requires patience, planning, and creativity to keep everything in harmony.
Balancing motherhood, career, and considering another baby is truly inspiring. Finding moments to relax, like enjoying friv games, can help recharge and bring some fun into a busy day. Wishing you all the best in your journey.